Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Eaten Pine Cone

I dont know which critter ate this cone, and a bunch of others lying about...this from the other day (back and forth to dentist in Mariposa last two days). I've never seen a squirrel take one apart like this, so I'm guessing a raccoon...but maybe it was a squirrel. I haven't seen any tracks, except for the frogs, and a dog I think, in the creek bank, which has been dissappointing. I do know a critter was able to grab some trash from the overstuffed tiki can and drag it off to the creek. I keep meaning to take a trash bag with to pick things up.

I read yesterday in the SF Chronicle of a new laser device that, on the very small scale, works like a disntegrater ray, and has no heat. It was for very tiny applications, but as it was borrowed from the military I imagine they have bigger ones. One that could molecularize trash without heat would be nice.

People? Not so nice...

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