Friday, August 17, 2007

Small Bird on Rock

In the Gallery I happened on another fauna flora book, and on first looking into it it opened on the frog, the one with the green on it's face, so I took that as a good omen!! and bought it. It's big but it fits in my back pocket and illustrations look to be done in colored pencil by hand, which I like...looks kinda like the old Golden Books. The frog, if I have it right, is a Bull Frog.

Lemegetthebook at Amazon...
John Muir Laws, The Laws Field Guide to the Sierra Nevada

Quite a name...there's a Law's Camp that comes to mind...lemegolook..cant find it..."law's" a tough search word....dont know what I'm recalling....lemesee if I can find the bird in the book...this is tough...I think it's the chkchk bird...go lookatthatpic....yes, it has a black head too, and the same size, but other than that I cant tell!! hmmph...when I figure it out I'll post it...

maybe it and the chk chk bird are juncos

I have another book, Sierra Nevada Natural History, Storer and Usinger.

These guides get me in the general neighborhood, and then I can use google images.

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