Saturday, September 22, 2007

Forest Hawk Sighting

Well, I had a merry time chasing a red tail hawk on the walkabout...first I heard it's call, this at the Creek's end while taking pics of Sentinel...then decided to look for it, and just up the dry channel it was high atop a Ponderosa, right on top just like the one in Tuolumne. I got video, tiny, and recorded it's call, then it flew by me and I followed it to the tree it went too. From there it flew to another tree, me in tow, and I almost got a great pic, but slow to mount the camera on the tripod!, did get a hand held blurry, then it flew to another tree, and I got video, which this still is from. There was another one I heard too calling from the Bridge end of the Creek.

In the excitement I left some gear at the Creek end, and went back tonight with headlamp to look, but not there. Hope it gets turned in. Moon was coming up right over Sentinel, peeking through the clouds. Very pretty.

It's cold, and rained a bit, but no snow to speak of, maybe way up there, have to see if Half Dome is dusted tomorrow.

I hope the Hawk is the Creek Hawk...and I'll see it again.

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