Saturday, April 14, 2018

OTI:one poem, notes:4/14/18

Open To Interpretation


I haven't much
And belong with such
That rest in the Dodo's clutch.
Once your touch
Through the soft rabbits' hutch
Made us the world's nonsuch.


Notes:  A thought is that only using rhymes one can think of on one's own should be a rule in making a poem...most often that's what I do...kind of a rule, limit, one might use doing crossword not using a dictionary, so I won't resort to a rhyming dictionary...but I get stuck and rhymezone on the Web is my favorite go to site...the danger is being side tracked by a rhyme word that doesn't fit the poem, its conceit...I got stuck at 'touch', found 'hutch'...reached for that with the rabbits as the antonyms for the Dodo!...and took note of 'nonsuch' in rhymzone's list...what's that mean!?...oh!...a fit!...and, 'nonsuch' doesn't show up in rhymezone's example lyrics... (a favorite thing to do is to look at these!) fact, it doesn't show up much anywhere!...a town in England, and a cute children's book on amazon!, so, much fun!...meanwhile, my angels weathered Richard's wild pitches...another win...13-3 now!...cold making for wild games back east!...tomorrow morrow Ohtani!



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