Sunday, May 26, 2019


Open To Interpretation


Notes:  Game on...on the radio...Rangers and top of, with drizzle rain...Rangers 2-1...


Crook and flail represented in the most iconic colors -- gold and blue

Knowing the original function of the crook and flail helps us see how they were used as symbols representing roles of the pharaoh. The crook was known as the heka in Egyptian. It originated from the staff (known as an awet) that shepherds used to protect their sheep. The crook represented his role as a shepherd in caring for the people of Egypt. The flail was known as the nekhakha in Egyptian. It was a rod with three strands of beads attached to the top.


there are all kinds of geometric things in Egyptian things...don't know if I or anyone could gather them all, and suggest their import...but, like the step fret in the New World, the geometries are evidence of something!...the crook and flail is always depicted like that, crossed, (not always crossed!)with the flail hanging down at an site has it the crook is a shepherd's crook, the curled part an addition to a straight shepherd's staff...Fletch with a lead off hit!...bottom of fifth...Rangers made out...Walsh up...Fletch is batting like sixth...hmmph...the alternating colors hark to, echo, the bands on Pharaoh's headgear...the chevrons on the flair, something...there being three flails, something...Ohkepho with a base hit...two on, one out...Lastella up...K...Trout up...Trout's home run is the Angels one score...line drive out first top of heka brings up a bunch about an Egyptian god noted for magic...and, site above has it right...


Symbols:The side lock, Hemhem crown, ankh, flail and scepter





The crook (otherwise known as the heka) was cane with a crooked handle normally made of gold and reinforced with blue copper bands. It is believed to have originated from the man-high staff used by shepherds known as the awet.
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On the other hand, the flail or flabellum (known as the nekhakha)was rod attached with three beaded strands. Its earliest representation was that of King Den during the First Dynasty believed to waiting for the Sed festival. Both symbols are reminiscent of the role of the pharaoh’s as the cattle of god and the herdsmen of humanity. Despite more commonly seen used by deities, these royal insignias are a few of the symbols that the ruling pharaoh takes to his grave.

unquote King Den...


This ivory plaque is a label. The sandals incised on the back indicate that it was originally attached to a pair belonging to Den, the fifth king of the First Dynasty.

On the king’s forehead, is a rearing cobra or ‘uraeus’, signifying the protection of the powerful goddess Wadjet. Worn for the first time by Den, the uraeus will become a significant part of the royal crowns of kings and queens.


those labels are something...they were used like the roller stamps/seals of the Sumerians...sealing and identifying ownership, numbers of things...for sometime these labels...and King Den too!...Rangers running amok...Rangers 5-1...


Note the flail held by King Narmer on his famous Palette, a very early example, but also note the lack of a crook.

The earliest representation of a king carrying the crook is a small statue of Ninetjer from the 2nd Dynasty.
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could very considerably, using different types of beads and the lengths between the beads could be broken up into several segments. The flail appears alone on some of the earliest representations of royal ceremonies, as shown in the example from a label of King Den in the 1st Dynasty, sitting under a canopy or in some ritual structure, waiting to run the Sed-festival.
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 However, some scholars prefer to regard it as a ladanisterion, a flail-like instrument used until the present day by shepherds in the Mediterranean region and elsewhere for collecting ladanum, a gummy substance excreted from the leaves of the Cistus plant. According to classical writers, it was used in the preparation of incense and unguents. This suggestion, proposed by the late Professor P.E. Newberry who helped in the clearance of Tutankhamun's tomb, is plausible, but, as yet, there is no clear evidence that the Cistus plant grew in Egypt during pharaonic times, but perhaps it could have been used to harvest other gums.


Calhoun up...bottom of sixth...Rangers 5-1...well, I've drifted away from 'geometries!'...hmmph...did Ohtani make out? mess up the game...don't end before play begins...Calhoun W...Lucroy up...


Click it

that's the aforementioned label!'s wood, and was attached to oil jar, and found in King Den's tomb...note his sitting under the 'little house', the canopy mentioned in yesterday's posts...


Ivory and wooden labels are one of the most important items found in 1st dynasty royal and private tombs.
They were attached to vessels containing various kinds of commodities (especially oil and fat) by means of a lace passing in a circular hole generally carved in the upper right corner (of the label's recto).
The hieroglyphic signs onto them were engraved (less frequently painted in black and red ink) and often filled with coloured paste.
The label size ranges from about 1 to 9 cm in breadth and 1,5 - 3 mm in thickness.


diverted to the labels! of seventh two looks to have like all of them...for sometime...a thought is that the Sumerian seals, and things like these labels, is where writing began...the Sumerians left off from pictographs to the writing their writing system, those pointed marks made with stylus in the clay tablets, or incised in stone...Egyptians developed papyrus...Fletcher with a hit...bottom of seventh...


Osborn believes these symbols also may record the phenomenon of the Solstices and Equinoxes, whereby the Egyptians were linking the Solstices to the “opposites” / “duality” and the Equinoxes to the “center” / “balance.” Posting the following image, Osborn writes:

“In esoteric thought, the crook and flail would also represent the opposites of Summer and Winter in the yearly cycle. The flail, a kind of whip, or ‘fly whip,’ is associated with Summer. The flail is also used to reap the corn. The crook is associated with the shepherding of the flock during Winter, and of course images of shepherds holding crooks are often displayed on Christmas greeting cards. Summer is related to the Sun and the colour Red, and therefore the male principle, and Winter is related to the Moon and the colour White, and therefore the feminine principle. So symbolically, these two items represent the opposites of Summer and Winter…”


more than a few commentators out there in the deep end of the pool...but that crossing was where I was reaching...having noted in previous posts the X of the solstices, it's easy to note it in the crossing of the crook and flail...runners on second and third...Walsh had a double...Rhendepho, Rengifo!, with a hit...Rangers 5-3...La Stella with a out...runners on first and second...Trout up...hits it high...bounces off the wall...double...Rangers 5-4...runners second and third...Ohtani up...sac fly...Angels 5-5...walk, Calhoun intentionally...Lucroy up...wild pitch...Trout scores...Angels 6-5...another wild pitch!...Calhoun scores...Angels 7-5...


A letter X in large type with Assur's crook and flail.

Assur seated on the Judgment Throne holding his crook and flail


more from the top of eighth...a curio is the post last season, noted the angle of the shoulders harks to Innana's wings on that famous plaque...a thought the angle like bees' wings...and the bands on bees' bottoms like the bands on the crook, flail, and Egyptian headdress...


Image result for inanna plaque

Burney relief


actually, actually, the angle of her shoulders is suspect too!...a circle, a curl, a straight edge, a staff...pyramid hat, and, mountains...some say the plaque is modern...two lions, two owls, two bird feet...anyone with life drawing experience will see the expertise, the knowing of anatomy, by the artist...nowadays this is common knowledge, seen in comics all the time, but back then?...note the hip bones, pelvic bones...noting those makes me wonder if it is modern...but then, the paintings of animals in those French caves are spot on...go figure!...this I didn't know, but saw it on close up of the lions, they have the marks on their shoulders like the Egyptian lions...Rangers make bottom of eighth...for sometime those marks, again, went on about them last season too...


the recurve of the outline of the hips beneath the iliac crest, and the bony structure of the legs with distinct knee caps all suggest "an artistic skill that is almost certainly derived from observed study".

same wiki


Fletch with lead off hit...I can't find a site that goes on about the geometric angles of the crook and flail...comes to mind compass and straight edge...Masons have their compass and square...but if that's so for the Egyptians, it is very stylized...but then, for a culture with animal headed gods, nothing is too stylized!...same goes for the Mesoamericans and Andeans!...there's just no telling what something is!...Angels make top of ninth...heck...Ranger batter strikes out, but ball gets away, and batter reaches first...sixteen strikeouts, but!...and now a double...Angels 7-6...runner on second...a gift given back...error for of the stockphoto pages has all the self similar things to the crook and flail



there's one that gives pause...Pense more out to go...


Image result for crook and flail geometric angles

Old Yellow Meter Ruler
same site



A new angle


that, that's a real curio! looks like the ring and bar...what Innana is holding...hmmph..."another nail biter here today at the Big A"...two outs two strikes...ground out...put a halo over this one!



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