Tuesday, September 10, 2019

OTI:notes, ten pics:9/10/9

Open To Interpretation


Notes:  Game on...on the radio...Indians at Angels...top of sixth...Indians 6-0...Angels keep getting wooped...won two from Chicago, then lost one...then home to face Indians, and lost last night...and, no luck tonight...been trying everyday to roll out to a local peak, summit, prominence, or some such, for the # stradaeasel contest...went through two tanks of gasoline...and, it's fun, and maybe tomorrow back at it...last two days I just drew here at home...Maya, my dog, yesterday, and tonight tried to draw Autumn, my grand nieces cat...the spirit of plein air painting/drawing is to paint on site outdoors...here in town just getting to an outdoors site is problematic...one could just sit on a street corner of  course, and take in the scenery...but plene air is known for its romantic scenes of California country sides, and that's what one thinks of-someone on an overlook with their easel, painting a Laguna Beach scene...Laguna Beach an origin place for plein air in America...had a dream my old music teacher came around to view my efforts, and he complained, 'why did you drag me here to see these?'...lol...what triggered the dream is I got a reply to a post in a comment section of a channel done by a very professional plein air artist...James Gurney...he also did for Nat Geo an illustration of a Moche sacrifice, which I copy pasted to the blog when going on about canopies...fump...Indians 7-0 top of seventh...the illustration has many of the Moche motifs, and Gurney did his homework to get them right...a headsup to view Guerney's channel came from a friend who introduced me to the stradaeasel contests, this three years back now!...so, a kind of glue and continuity to all this!...thing lacking is I don't have the chops my music teacher hoped for, or I!...but, that being said, few do have professional skills...and that shouldn't deter one from participating with what skills one has!...doing the charcoal drawing, brought back tricks I made up using charcoal sticks...and with these new drawings, I've added a few more...cone, ball, box, are like the basic shapes...and I've thought to use how I can do those with a stick to do the drawings...by example, I can hold a stick in the middle of it, press it down and twirl it...a complete twirl is a ball...if I press one end tight down, and twist the stick, I get a cone...boxes I make just dragging the stick...if I drag it, one end forced down, I get a hard edge, a wash, and a soft edge...to make a small circle, I break a stick down, or use just the end...there are of course all kinds of things I can do with my fingers, stumps, kneaded erasers, and such...but I'd like to keep to the 'stick' look...doing so can make for a very 'clean' drawing...hard to describe, so, so, I need to put the drawings up here in the blog, so, here they are with the progress of 'stickiness'...lol...

the hard line of the stick at top, the 'wash', then a not so hard line-one stroke...the scratches were a fail to make the gullies and things...

the sticks are the downtown towers of LA...I'm thinking cave petroglyphs!...the grid for city streets...

the stick twirled to make the sun...hillsides one stroke stick...river stick end...

tried to twist stick for canyons on slope, arc for clouds...

small stick dragged down to make Back Bay cliffs...edge of stick twisted for foreground plants


hard to read...in the middle was path going to hills in distance...and a half moon overhead...thinking 'glyph'...how I can make drawing petroglyph like...

beach edge, receding wave forms, cargo ships, and the sun was  filling the sky, very bright...

on overlook bluff...fence...cliffs/beach...scallop glyph for waves up beach...some Xs for homes, and dark curve for highway...line top right shouldn't be there...thought to indicate horizon...

this is all stick!...success...

this just two inches big...done with very small sticks...pulled out highlights with kneaded eraser...onward...

hmmph...for me the drawings amount to personal souvenirs...and can evoke the entire afternoon that went into making them...during the long back and forth rides, I think about the scene I'm seeking. listen to music, or the ball game...often, I cant find a view, and get turned around and lost looking...to go out with a pre supposition, is something called 'gating' by Gurney...sortofa if you go to the store looking for roses in particular, your subconscious will guide you to them from the array of flowers displayed...a notion with import to my ancient enigmas pursuit!...more for sometime...Angels down to their last strike...Ward with a two out double...Thais up...K...Indians 7-0...Angels have a 'gating' issue I'd say-lost their focus...


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