Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Rainbow Walls

Rainbow Walls

The youtube comment sections to vlogs, the youtube graffiti wall, so to speak, is where I hang out...not to 'placard', but, actually, to comment...a lame effort somewhere between hopeless and useless...grafiitti on a freeway underpass has a certain certainty; seen daily, until covered up by more graffitti, or scrubbed away, or painted over...pieces of the Berlin wall with graffiti are now monuments...comments to comments tend to obscurity quickly, and, and they are closely monitered by the platform administrator, Google/YouTube...likewise, Facebook, Twitter, etc., the same...picture: a scrolling wall to graffiti...nearby the Santa Ana River is cemented from Del Prado Dam, which is famous for being graffitied in 1976 with a giant American flag celebrating 1776 birthday...havent been there in awhile, flag should still be there...oh!, the river is cemented from the dam to confluence with the Pacific Ocean, and the banks are a perfect scroll canvas for graffitiests...left to their endeavors, it would be a marvel...but, no, mottled patches of white paint everywhere, the daily effort of Maintenance to Dominate...😃...nonetheless, Google provides a graffiti scroll of its own, which I would add links to, but the 'share' link is gone...I just came from Austrailan newscast that went on about antifa, how it co-ops the protests, and how its graffiti can be seen being done by protestors, made me look...an A in a circle...which too is an old army air corp emblem...my motif obsession!...anyway, upshot is, I cant hot link these image  searches, so one will have to enter them to see search, and click on images in menu bar...Antifa graffitti, Nazi graffitti...add searches Peace, Trump, Obama, etc. with graffitti, and, and too much!...a picture is worth too many words!!!...added Mexican border wall...and this:
Watch "Washington, D.C. Transforms Street into Black Lives Matter Mural | NowThis" on YouTube

And now the fence put up around the White House is festooned with protest art...


Notes: I posted this up to youtube comments, and then took it down...the mention of the Mexican Wall noted the irony of the President building the Wall, only to have it become a very very long Graffiti Scroll, thousands of miles...that seemed too harsh, so I deleted it...but I saved the post, even back then thought to post it to the blog here...it gets at some things...in fact, back a long ways I wrote up how the whole web is like a blank wall to graffiti...by way back, like 1999...I like the comment!...anyway, not a few days later, BLM in yellow got painted on the asphalt in front of the White House, along with the self same street being named Black Lives Matter Plaza...go figure...no doubt new asphalt road workers will cover this up...but, and now this morning, news has it protest artists are hanging art works on the tall black chain link fence all around the White House...these too easily gone by taking the fence down...the protest expressions have been like graffiti all over the world...or what's that art form called?...performance art!...an on and on...I happen on white supremists racist comments in comment sections all the time...trolls...and weirdly, for everyone one of those, there's 'libertard' comments...a placard graffiti war by bots...how this works, I think, is an algorithm recognizes content in a social media post/comment, and then sends to an army of trolls in waiting, which can be either real people who even make a buck for their effort, or computer programs that can articulate comments, notice where to post a comment, and these trolls attack like locusts...the protests have this refrain: some 18 year old kid makes a hashtag, 'lets all meet here and when', and thousands arrive to protests...there's something suspect to this, a lot of '18 year old kids' have accomplished this, this going back years with gatherings that spring up on account of hash tag notices...hashtag 'me too' comes to mind...this circumstance is a lot like what the comment trolls do...a hashtag such and such video/vlog/article goes out from the algo, and the trolls arrive to spam...it is spamming...algos note I'm browsing on the web for some product, and I get tagged with advertising for that product...tagging is graffiti...the world has been flooded with automated graffiti....and armies of graffiti trolls who make money, or ideological gains by tagging...tagging has no nobility...it gives no quarter...graffiti is painted atop graffiti atop graffiti...black lives matter is spoken, and no sooner, all lives matter is spoken...and this can all be without  real human involvement...a computer can fashion what I've come to call a 'placard', some catchy bullet point...and another computer can tag it...one computer saying black lives matter another saying all lives matter...it's like the dueling banjo scene in movie Deliverance, or better, the Minuet in G scene in movie Electric Dreams...so, soh, I dont protest white supremist troll posts on the web...it would be a real wack a mole futility...but, well, this post IS a protest against racism, white supremists, "between hopeless and useless"...anyway, as the graffit war around, and coming out of the White House, goes on and on, I'll update...



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