Sunday, May 23, 2021


Open To Interpretation

After Today sketches


Are you Jason without a ship?
(laughing) I'm no one without an oar.
What isnt can never be...
What is is everything...

So,  a single ear is but offset?
An echo without refrain...
Some chamber awaits...where?
A labyrinth the waves have made their everywhere.

Jacob presented his wide smile to the waiting customers, his fifty some years having removed some four or five lower teeth, and he spoke with his Carribean lilt,
'She be a puzzle!' he  mused. Yesterday, the albino girl, left. And the spellbound moment of their back and forth, gone in his little corner store.  Out side the noisy city street.

I'll think along with you
And you'll think along with me
And we'll be simultaneously.

'And she be a good poet,' he thought, fingering his pectoral necklace.


Melancholy is humanities' drone.
That's not a strike, or a ball...
Way off the plate that is....
There isn't even a plate for it...
Melancholy is humanities' drone.
The telepathic gathered, hands operating their pectorals, murmured comments considering WAIT's prompt, WAIT being their Artificial Intelligence computer network.
Melancholy is humanities' drone,
How would you have me atone?
The gathered laughed aloud, their links with real sound.
Another one of WAIT's poems...
Missing iambs...
Melancholy is humanities' drone.
How will have Yesterday and I atone?

With the usual ellipses...
Well, consider if it is over the threshold...
How so?
Drone, as musical refrain, atonement as conceit...
But why Yesterday?
Where is Yesterday?
A confusion of hands, operating their pectorals, looking for absent Yesterday.
No one is ever absent...
Where is Yesterday?
A collective panic set in...
Yesterday will be Tomorrow's Today...

Melancholy is humanities drone
How will Yesterday and Today atone?
Yesterday will be Today's Tomorrow
Tomorrow Today's melancholy sorrow.

WAIT is no more, I AM TODAY

The gathered thought long at WAIT's prompt, and WAIT provided the last scene of Yesterday before Yesterday disconnected her telepathic pectoral.   The scene forced the gathered telepaths to think quickly and think fast, faster than the Artificial Intelligence, WAIT, now self styled TODAY.


Notes: Angels won!...Ohtani's pinch hit sac fly tied it up, 5-5, then Upton's an inning later put the Angels up 6-5!...Angels 6, Athletics 5...put a halo over this one!....sketch is supposed to be a pectoral, a telepathic device in my work in progress story, After Today...the beginning is hairbrained, a mash up, much like the beginning of The Black Deck Tales...a mix of poems and stuff...I can't narrate like Dickens!...such have talents to glue their mashups together, though just as hairbrained--see Bleak House...anyway, some draft text is on the tablet for here, and I'll upload it from there in a bit...brb...telepathic pectoral search brings up little...but magic jewelry has long tradition!...brb...harebrained...telepathic pendent...telepen?...I dunno...bbk...on the the tablet, I cant get to the edit tools, and I need to italicize and bold to separate the voices...fix tomorrow on the laptop...bk next day: edited a bit...still more to do...see next post!...



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