Monday, April 1, 2019


Open To Interpretation

Step Motif Back To Back

Notes: Game on...on the about ten minutes...Angels and Mariners...So, I have it that Lord Sipan's headdress, the motifs, shows up in Moche archetectual pottery models...a curio is these pots have stirrup spouts, which, with some water in the pot, makes them whistle when they are tipped...for sometime the noise making pottery!...I looked for more pottery with motifs from headdresses and clothing, and unexpectedly, found a pot that exactly replicates a fence of sorts at one of the Moche mud brick temples...this pot side by side with the fence was for today...and, and, last night I found a scholar's paper that focuses on Moche archetectual model and how they represent buildings that once really existed...hard to prove, as the adobe has all eroded...but as the early Americans would have it, they would build over old buildings, so, there are pyramids within pyramids...and so, as digging through the eroded surfaces progresses, untouched wall decorations and reliefs are discovered...Trout first found the pot that looks like the fence, and has noted it...and too the other house pots with the motifs...Trout hit by pitch...Boor up...fielder's choice gets Trout...a pause while I snack and move from tablet to out...Trout was second up...Angels made bottom of first...Angels playing like scrubs...single wild pitch walk...two on for Mariners...K...better...Pastrami sandwich from Angelo's...brought half home...pop out...microwaved pastrami...worse...Mariners 4-0...Mariners made of second...Pujols hit, takes second on errant trhrow...Stella flies out...

Image result for moche step fret pottery

this pic I snagged last season...steps, curl and triangle...side by side with the next pic, one can see how the potter glued two step frets like this into one...even to the point of making the right angle triangle into an equal lateral triangle...

Image result for Double step motif along northern perimeter wall of the Decorated Patio, Huaca Cao Viejo

Image result for Double step motif along northern perimeter wall of the Decorated Patio, Huaca Cao Viejo

Double step motif along northern perimeter wall of the Decorated Patio, Huaca Cao Viejo


Moche Architectural Vessels: Small Structures, Big Implications

Article (PDF Available) · April 2012with 91 Reads

That pdf has a variety pics....and author nails it down that the models are models of real buildings, and maybe specific buildings...the step motif she suggests is a real thing that made a fence too...sacred enclosures with fences....


Moche potters
worked creatively within the restrictions of their
chosen medium, the ceramic vessel, using both
painted imagery and sculpted forms together to
communicate identifiable aspects of specific
structures found in the Moche ceremonial
precinct, or huaca.


Well, not only that, but the potters recorded the did the weavers...thinking here of the tocapus of the Incas, which has a lot of lifted things from the Moche, notably the step motif/step frets.  The more of these motifs, with their vaired captions, the more I seem to find, and more mysterious they become!


Image result for Double step motif along northern perimeter wall of the Decorated Patio, Huaca Cao Viejo

Visual Program of the First Civilizations in the Americas – Twisted ...
Left: Spadefoot Toad site, Chaco Canyon, Red Mesa B/w, 875-1050 CE (Windes et. al., 1993:pl.8.6b). In the images above and depending on the viewpoint, ...


Pujols is on again...managed to get around for run in second...must be top of fifth?...fourth...A's 4-1?...I need to get a snack...and reached the reach for today!...Angles lost yesterday, A's 2-0....will report back on this at the Plate!....Mariners 4-2...Mariners 4-3...Calhoun up, Trout on deck...comebacker out...



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