Friday, December 4, 2020

AgainstTheWall:OTI::one poem,notes:::12/4/20

Open To Interpretation

Against The Wall

Oh, Goya, what was that on and on about the Third of May....?
Those square lantern lit people...?
Oh, it was a follow on and on from the Second of May,
When the  cannons scattered the columns,
That made that midnight alight with sound-
The French needed lanterns to see the Spanish
Against the wall.


Notes: the notion for a poem with notes about Goya's painting has been "about" in my head for weeks...after yesterday's Sebastopol, I thought to attend to Goya, and looked again at his famous painting The Third of May, and, and saw the lantern!...actually, I collected the painting for its use of dark and light, that dark band thing-see Edgar Payne/Maynard Dixon post, darklight, back aways...thought is to to write more about the dark band, as I keep seeing it, no where more so than Goya's painting!...for sometime...the dust up between the French and Spanish on May Second has to be close studied!..."on and on" is the refrain from Journey's song, "Dont Stop Believing"..."on and on like a movie"...I wanted that for the poem, on from the 2nd to the 3rd, then saw the lantern, and thought, wth, there's the "street light people" too...hmmph!



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