Sunday, December 13, 2020


Open To Interpretation

Remember The Panay

14 Poems



Seven touching petals to my blossom-
So I'm in a crowded lightless room
Blind alike alike flowers as eveyone together
Nudged packaged closest surrounding-
Candy boxed in schools
Startled and shaped this way that.
Raptors in the rooms.

Dream Notes

First digital film movie.

Snow hemesphere skiing and surfing

Down close together stones.


"Stay Pretty"!
A salutation to the roadside flowers
We paused to see
As off we go in a melancholy roar.
Goodbyes always so sad.


The red flag is up,
 And that crowd is aswim without flippers.


Someone dies in the bed beside yours,
"Like drowning!" it's said,
And a burly sort arrives-
Bagged and over their shoulder that someone goes,
Victim of the undertow.

Book Worms

Oh, you crowd of ghosts
Gathered about me
Is scaring everyone away.


The stone scratchers
The red ochre painters
Pectographers pictographers
Were copy cats
Monkey see monkey dos
Like stuck phonograph records for centuries
Until on occasion some mad genious
Glorius advanced the artworld.
And so now too
Its not the what or why or who,
But the how
Like tying a shoe
Now this way then that way tightened.
It's been a long walk
And still bare footprints along the beaches.


Sit down with me!
Your black, my white,
Brown, Red...avatar blue!
It's the matter of choice...
To look in the mirror and be able to say,
That's not me...
That's not you.


You have all your parts!
An embarassement in your presents.
Psshaw...I've lost this and that
And look forward to renewal.
Such is luck.
Such is fucked!

Skill Set

So, what are you...?
I in a box
And a modest set of skills?

Ah, so what will you make?
Oh, that's easy,
You, and me.

Bridge of Insults

I was on that bridge a long time...
Oh, now you tell me!  Lol, I'm still there...
True enough, my hooded dreams bedevil...
So stranded I am, to be said,
On the way to Eleusis, the Mysterey
No one relates, foreswarn to secrecy.
No secret this cacophony between here and there.


You look to me for wonders you havent seen?
That's hilarious, I havent been out of the house for months...


Simultaneously we've arrived at the end of things,
And find we can hold the family album
In one hand, reminisce,
Everyone therein complete, then to interminable now,
Except the inditerminate children that didnt make it far
Enough to be more than paragons
In the memories of their play.

Out And Backs

Before the "out"
Of an "out and back"
I measure...
And, and sometimes just stay home,
Leave the Moon to the Cow.

Two Comments

Lol...was searching up the textiles, but just came from a search of red hair, where in the world it is most's hard to refute the supremacists...and genetics is a problem...hapsburgh jaw, ankanaton's/tut's elongated heads...royal family intermarriage may have been an Andean thing too...the long head deformity becoming popular thing to mimic royalty amongst the general population, hence the techniques applied to deform children's's easy to fix inbreeding, outbreed...trouble is, royalties have harems, and such, so a genetic flaw would spread into the general populace...this, while the royals themselves worsen through their inbreeding...I dont know if anyone considers this harem royal male with a pass along genetic flaw would wreck havoc...see Queen Victoria and hemophilia! get a grip on all this maybe consider breeds of dogs...I mean, that's what the supremists go on be well bred in genetic sense...well, that's obvious, it's being pretty, talented, all that...what in the sports world is called "having good genes"...a world divided into racial "white"and "mud", the idea is silly, yet it is held without foundation...there's no racial division, humanity is one race, one, as to breeds, as with dogs, there are all kinds of human breeds, both physical and cultural...some big some small, some short some tall...a no, as to the "red headed" hair is everywhere, like, what, 4 per cent?...comes to mind north american brown bears...some are cinamon, even blond...and black...hmmph...odd that the pure white fur of cats and dogs...???...age in humans!..anyway, lol, if there ever was a "master breed" that informed civilization all over the world, I have its souce the Crimean Peninsula at Sebastopol, location of the highest incidence of red heads!...I have no command of genetic data, and anytime I see "data" I suspect it's "cooked"...there's data ledgers true, and data ledgers false, the true hidden behind the false by the falsifying income to cheat on taxes...royals posturing as being high born, superior, has always everwhere been a kind of cheat when they try to maintain that status generation to generation through inbreeding, and politics...such the supremacist's world...history has examples of attempts to breed for traits...any dog show shows such off...what they dont show is the narrow breeding to get this or that  trait or traits is a trade off, and many rejected out of hand for not meeting a standard, along with "purebreds" having problematic temperments, and weaknesses...John Muir noted this about domestic animals...they're not robust as the wild originals...

Watch "The Brion McClanahan Show Episode 387: Texas Files a Bad Lawsuit" on YouTube

Oh, the take I see  by Texas is they're offended Penn. didn't follow Penn's. own procedures, sort of like a rule of order complaint-this happened in my basketball ref unit...the president didnt follow a procedure-a board candidate had to win by fifty percent-two of three canidates declared winners  with less by our president-unit arms akimbo in protest, so, soh, we all voted again...I relate this poorly, but Texas is saying Penn didnt abide by Penns own rules, so devalueing the entire election, leastwise for Penn, and the other three too?...something vague in it all...I get it Penn judges okayed the mail ins because of covid, and I think that refers to the three day grace period after the 3rd, and sending everyone ballots...and the wrinkle is the Penn legislaters didnt pass law about this...did the other states do this too?...the Supreme court has turned their attention to this...Thursday 3pm briefs to be submitted stating what they oppose in Texas' complaint...which specifically lays out this pocedure rule of order gaff?...if Texas is right, then all through the states, the state legisators have to pass laws for the voting,-the courts cant...Penn courts said mail in okay, gave a review period that came and went, and Penn is content...they're not sueing themselves, hmm?...Texas could, I guess, sue for any kind of irregularity, present the 'truckload' tale, and such...but those tales havent, soh, if the Supreme court decides Texas is right, then Penn legislater convenes, passes law for mail ins like the courts approved, and they all vote again...all of us vote, like explained, a national decree now made, and a national procedure put in place...federal rulings cant be distributed piecemeal, and for that matter, this would need congress to pass the law...courts administer, congress/legislaters, if Texas wins, congress makes national law regarding mail ins, and we vote again...but wait...a big chunk of congress has just been voted in, or out, by the self same disputed mail in  votes!...Jan 6 their innagurations...all the red state republican governors will goad their respective attorney generals to hop on Texas' wagon...a class action suit...this happening as I write...meanwhile, the political parties, both of them, will see fit to sue government at all levels...the Dems quiet now, but if Texas wins...if Texas wins its a slippery slope to Hobbes Leviathan, even slippier to Himmlers National Police/Gestapo...the Stormers got their skis on...😃😃😃

Notes: Goya's lantern, previous post, was lifted and changed into an electric light bulb by Picasso in his famous painting, Guernica, which was about a small Spanish town in 1937 being bombed...I was going to work these lanterns and lightbulbs up...oh, I just learned a word that may explain..."mannerism"...mannerist paintings tell stories through symbolisms(edit: I have this detail wrong, "mannerism" a painterly technique?...I!)..another notion I just found is "problem pictures"...these are paintings that are deliberately puzzling, made up scenes from some imaginary story that the audience is invited to guess about-there were contests...dont know but current news isnt "mannerist", "problematic"...anyway, Picasso and Goya were in the mannerist tradition, as, I've learned watching the youtube art vlogs, were the Pre-Raphelites...before the artist Rapheal was the very symbolist medeival art, often anonymously made, and this the Pre-Raphealites tried to of their paintings, The Light of the World, a Christ like crowned figure holding a lantern, was enormously popular in the 19th was on a huge canvas, and shown all over the British Empire, America too, I think...this was done with paintings back then...and to set them off when being shown, they would be in a dark room, and lit with a gaslight-a new bright light...where the term gaslighting came from...1937, 12/12/37, was the time of the sinking of the USS Panay...I usually do a post on 12/12...Remember the Panay...bit late to post, but it was in my thoughts...times it seems "too much" to post my thoughts!...the poems: Schooling...from murmaration, what Starlings do, flocking in cloud shapes...each Starling is in contact with seven surrounding Starlings...when one moves they all move...a mannerism!...even a kind of lantern, the transmission light like...Dream Notes...I dreamed a take on the first digital movie was on film didnt advance while the shutter rapidly fired, and the flight of a bee landing on a flower animation recorded in one'm making this up, a take on the dream which was like that...I wondered if I had seen such on the web!...I dreamed of stand up surfing/skiing over snow covered rocks on one of those round sit on snow sleds...Stay Pretty from OnHerBike...along African road Kinga was flower visiting...this certainly a mannerist roadside flowers poem...too, painting...yet to try that...just searching "poetry" on the web doesnt cut just searching 'news" needs to add a second, or more, search term, then things open up...the two long comments I posted to youtube vlog comment sections, then deleted them...too much...but here I include them...and likely too much too!...



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