Tuesday, January 12, 2021


Open To Interpretation

#stradaeasel  day 12

Take Out


from wiki Pelta

efe .com

from wiki Thera

Notes:  out to Jack in the Box for jumbo Jack and fries and large coffee...I visualized before a sketch of the someone handing me my order through the window, which would have been complicated to remember!...and then ahead of me I saw the arm and gloved hand and soda-that's it for today!..lol...last night, browsing the riot clips, I saw the one of Lou Carrera crouched in the gallery seats, and, and noted the seats!...the upholstery...the decoration is the Ephesus Greek Key...this version of Greek Keys has the Swastika in the center...this motif goes way back, but notably found in the ruins of Ephesus where once stood the Temple to Artemis of Ephesus...one of the ancient Seven Wonders...scholars curious as to why the Germans, then Nazis, adopted the swastika, have tracked it to a lead statue of Artemis found in the ruins of Troy...the vagina on the statue is a swastika...this is hard to find...brb...


However in the Geometric period we find that the swastika can be found, especially, with images of Artemis. Given that Artemis was the goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth and virginity.



that site has a lot!...but not the lead statue...for sometime...the "motif' of bricks in a brick wall, the way they are off set row to row to keep them secure, is as old as stacking cobble stones to make a wall...being overboard with motifs, I thought of this seeing the brick walls of Jack in the Box!...thought to add Michelangelo's God's Hand reaching for the soda!..here's the Troy figurine...




now, Lou Carrera after the capital riots flew home to his district, 
which is right next 
to the district I'm in...see wiki...
and went through the same sort of air terminal 
dust up that Romney and Paul went through...I dunno...it's a mess...
Anton's latest vlog goes on about "anyons" and quantum computers...
much to my mystery...but one of the illustrations resembled a "pelta', 
the Amazon warrior's shield...
there's something very odd about floor tiles...
the Capital's nicely done...and for many, first
time to see them being trampled by the mob! (this last bit wouldn't wrap)






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