Saturday, January 30, 2021


Open To Interpretation

#stradaeasel  day thirty

Feeding Maya

Silver at Target

Notes:  out for snack...#21 Jack in the Box, large coffee, chocolate cake...listened to Lakers and sketched me and Maya my dog...then rolled over to Target...I broke one of my large corning ware mugs, and have misplaced the other...hmmph...and Target no longer carries has them for twenty dollars a giant mug for $6, and some bowls and plates...the Cornings are cool as they come with rubber snap on lids...good for soups and keeping left overs....for Maya and I, this is our twice a day 'pose'...when I put my hand to my chest, she sits...this when I have a snack, or her food bowl...actually, she does it without a treat...but from a distance, I've not been able to have her "sit", or come when I call...that, and her excitable moods, have precluded walkabouts...just as well....I have a big safe back yard, and Town's streets are just a mess with trash, and unpredictable vagabonds...I got Disney Plus...been a Baba Fett fan since his first appearance in Star Wars...Mandalorians resemble Death Knights in  WOW...they have excitable moods too!...episode 4, season 1 tonight...

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