Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Balance Beam:OTI::pics,notes:::8/17/21

Open To Interpretation

Chincha Balance Beam

Step Spiral Triangle:

The Sacred Language of the Stars

Peter Trutman



end quotes

Notes:  listened to Angels at Detroit...tied up, 2-2, in top of ninth, and the Angles' Jo Adell wapped a grand slam, with two out no less...and the Angels added on two more...Angels 8-2...go figure...put a halo over this one...so, soh, I'm doing google search: "peru step triangle motif", and, and at the top, in the 'images to view', is a Chincha "balance beam"...luck!...I had just read the Chincha had such, a hark to famous Egyptian balance-actually, this a motif likely all over, as measuring with balance all over...I think...I dunno...now, now I'm thinking it might be some kind of astronomical device...balanced, it would give level horizon...and each of those circles has a little drilled hole through it-to sight stars and planets through?...I thought maybe the balance pans would hang from these, but no, one beam has the balance pans, and they are strung from the ends....and, and triple and!, there is the motif I've been going on about last two previous posts on the second one down...and easily seen the quarter steps...one with half a chacana...and, quadruple and!!!!, on that same google log line page is that book!...which I ordered and skip read on Kindle...a disappointment...author too keen on being grand and rub shoulders with the academic professionals...but from the skip read, I noted some motif instances not in my notes, really tiny ones...so, soh, I have to close read the whole book, which is an on and on how the step  fret  triangle motif hooks to star lore, and hence a "Rosetta stone" for all the Americas...I dunno...but noting that lead to noting the balance beams, and there are lots of them, all tiny, from a proscribed time period, as being star gazing tools (the top one, and bottom one, have circle holes where would be the solstices and equinoxes?)...in my mind's eye, I'm seeing an illustration of Ancient Egypt-star gazers with their tools...and it would make sense of the motifs on the beams being identical to the temple motifs...the beams lifted the motifs from the temples, or visa versa...as the temples are star gazing tools...it's a short step from star gazing to timing the passage of the seasons to when to best plant and harvest, and celebrate those dates with horrific sacrifices!...that, that's just how it is in Old and New World...Truttman number eight on my list of those who note the distribution of step fret triangle throughout the Americas, and hints at it being in the Old World too...he disses a lot of academics, not by name...I suspect the academics know of the distribution, always have, but it is 'too much"...Dodgers 4-3 over the Pirates...a curio is how this day's search up began...I thought maybe the triangle could be a sail...the first Chincha balsa raft boat the Spanish sighted had a lateen sail-right triangle shape...the Chincha traded up and down the coast, likely as far as Mexico...much to tell...and maybe that trade spread the motif-a sail...a kindof corporate logo...(the front of the boats, the balsa logs, staggered "like fingers"-add curling wave)...so was searching up the triangle any way I could think of...creative searches essential!...more for sometime, soon!...Props to Trutman for giving equal weight to the Triangle...but I doubt his book satisfies the Quest Giver!



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