Monday, August 16, 2021

Enclosed Gable:OTI::pics,notes:::8/16/21

Open To Interpretation

Moche Architecture:

Enclosed Gable

Open Gable

Canopy Roof


Huaca Cao Viejo (Flicker)

Double step motif along northern perimeter wall of the Decorated Patio, Huaca Cao Viejo

Figure 3: Moche architectural vessel of the Architectural Complex Type, Moche I-II, Eugenio Nicolini Collection (12836), Lima, 14 centimeters high.

Figure 1: Moche architectural vessel of the Enclosed Gabled Type (EGT), Moche IV, Museo Nacional de Antropología, Arqueología, e Historia del Perú (C-54620), Lima, 24.4 centimeters high.

Figure 9: Open Gabled Type, Moche IV, Eugenio Nicolini Collection (12808), Lima, 22.5 centimeters hig

see previous post


Notes: listened to Angels at Yankees...close game..Yankees 2-1...and after like an all night browse, I found that motif on the oar, that is on the temple grounds, that too is on that house model...motifs that were on temples show up on pottery...textiles...and oars!...this is helpful, as the temples were adobe, and nearly all gone...I was looking for Aztec roofs with the luck...just that one-see previous post...but I found that one with the bundled sticks lighting a fire under a kiosk, the fire contained by steps!...I've gone on about the bundled sticks, pieces of wood for Mayan incense burners tied in bundles-pine-and a story where the pine comes from!...every fifty two years they did this ritual-fifty two sticks, or some such, in the bundle...and I related the bundle to the ceremonial bar of the Maya...and further, to the Egyptians bundled reeds/Roman facist...too much...all over, I see the tilted steps on top like on the pot...did side by side with an era when Persian kings wore such...the row of guys on the second oar are wearing tunics of the steps...oh, Dodgers won over the Pirates...Dodgers 2-1...



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