Monday, January 2, 2023


Open To Intrpretation

#stradaeasel  Day Two  1/2/2023

Notes: from facebook

I fixed it! hadn't run for months, wouldn't and then I'd pull the chord with wan hope...but it didn't matter!...front lawn dried desert...SoCal is a desert....but the bit of rain turned it green with weeds getting higher and higher....kinda neat really, but not a neighborhood fit...on youtube had found the likely repair-clean the carbuertor got to it...a series of tasks: find my tools, empty the gas tank, to the box store for box wrench set for two nuts my socket set couldn't reach, but set didn't have size, 3/16, so made due with just the mean tasks!...poked a pin in the nozzle, put things back together, filled the tank, and wala!...first pull...a week or so ago I tripped taking the cat litter to the trash on the drive...the mower sits parked under the sailboat, which is under a canopy, along with stuff, stuff with sharp edges...I was on the way down to a face plant 'midst the sharp edges, but reached and grabbed the mower's long handle, which tilted me sideways to an open place on the cement...took inventory after collecting my wits-no damage done!



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