Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Evening before, I clambered up the Lifeguard Tower to get away from Maya nipping my ankles...'no no no'...I try to whine, like the vet suggested, and Maya's ears go up, but she don't let go...this evening, I thought to take a clip of Maya chasing after the new nerf  Frisbee, and she does, sorta...in dog body language she's says, 'eh'...and she'd rather climb up the Tower's Ladder, a hold over memory from yesterday!...see clip...on return from the Second Tower, I sighted a washed up Seal carcass...didn't let Maya get close...sad to see, and some reflective thoughts on the many Seals coming ashore in distress...sunny blue some clouds warm...listening to coast to coast on radio...new Ceres/Dawn pics on their site...

1 comment:

Jeannette said...

Ah, but your pup is fetching! Such a cute and curious little guy.