Monday, May 11, 2015

Next Blog and The Algorithms of Fate

To the North of Balboa Pier, where the Parking Lot ends, the Beach is very wide, and even has some small 'dunes' where Ice Plants and some other sand tolerant plants's not Ten Mile Dunes, but in the evenings, before the Summer begins, I can walk Maya there, and it's not's been a challenge to traverse to the second Life Guard Tower and return...Maya will walk and trot and run here and there, sniffing and digging and picking up everything, and in the routine we go near the waves, but I wont let her swim yet...the Beach is steep, and the water deepens quick, so I'm hesitant...and then on the return, the challenge begins...Maya goes into 'chew on my shoe laces' mode, then my pants cuff, then me...and I reach down, with a 'no no no', and more me...of late, at this point, I gather her up in a bear hug, and find something, a treat, my handkerchief, to distract her, and get her back into walking nice mode...yesterday we went out and back just fine...success!...for one evening!'s an every evening routine now to roll out to the Ocean...and the wide beach is a good place not just to walk, but to teach Maya good habits...soon I'll take along a Frisbee, and try a toss or two...on occasion, I drop the leash when no one is about, and Maya is fine, hardly taking notice...a caution though is if someone, or another dog, is about, as Maya will make a beeline for them...I trust her not to nip...that seems reserved for me!...but nonetheless like to keep her on leash when others and their dogs about...oh!...between the Parking lot and the Waves, the Earthmovers have pushed the Sand up into a Berm...this happened back when the surf was up at the Wedge during the down Mexico way hurricane...high tide and high surf during the Full Moon was the caution...waves did make it up onto the wide beach, almost to the Balboans' homes...the Ocean coming over the Beaches isn't something new, I remember it happening back in the Sixties, but the possibility of rising Ocean level from Global Warming I suspect has the Balboans' attention!...sunny warm blue today...back when I first made the blog, I took note that on the blog menu bar is a 'next blog' selection, and on occasion I would click on this, and go from random blog to random blog...I didn't take much interest, as many were commercial, and just a random selection of blogs didn't hold any interest to me...I used to use 'blogger search' to look for Valley blogs, but now 'blogger search' is gone, sorta, one can still use it but it's complicated...but the other day, I clicked on 'next blog', and blog after blog turned up about gardening...I thought on this, and speculate that blogger is 'reading' my gardening posts of late, and 'leaning' the next blog selections to blogs about gardening...that may or may not be what happened, but it is what can happen when the web computers use algorithms to shape searches and what we get when we slect things on the's wiki's take on algorithms...Facebook does use algorithms, and I've taken note how at the beginning when I log on with my iphone, the possible new  friend pics are seemingly related to my age!...anyway, how the web uses algos can be something to carp about, a kinda algo in and of itself!, but I realize, I can't complain, I use, do, algos all the time, both consciously and unconsciously...after a bit reading wikis take on algos, my eyes glazed over, and I said to myself, 'okay, I get the ghist', and left off...there's a technical complexity out there, for everyone, that we just don't take's too much stuff!...though I'm much impressed that there are those who manage all that stuff!, I have my own set of algos that take me through the day to day, we each do, and I suspect how the algos shape our choices underpins the philosophers notions of fate, which I'll not delve into, wiki does, but rather go work on getting my wow Hunter, Tukut, to level 100 today!

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