Saturday, March 12, 2016

Midnight Movies: Zatoichi

A text only post, and about history, afield from fauna and flora, sort of...and grim, so dear readers, a caution to read on...

I'll put the search strings in bold, these are the beginning of a quote, and the link(s), the ulr(s), which are highlighted too, will be the quote(s) end(s)...

A New Tale of Zatoichi

In this classic samurai tale, Zatoichi (Shintaro Katsu) is a legendary swordsman whose feats of skill and cunning are all the more remarkable for the fact he cannot see.

I watched the Chess Master one...and then the two beginning ones, and this is the third, end of a trilogy, but not the end of Ichi!...there's 22 more movies, and 100 television episodes!...I, I was just trying to find a couple of the old samurai movies I'd seen, on youtube, and like blind Ichi, stumbled onto his tales!...this third episode is just exceptional, and one should see the first two leading up to it to provide depth and background...a lot of the Ichi tales are on youtube at present...New Tale is from takes some adaption for western eyes to watch Japanese samurai movies of this era, both when they were made, and when they were set in time...I just get lost in the settings, costumes, customs, and such...

I don't know how many samurai moves are available to be seen...they're Japan's 'westerns'!



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