Wednesday, July 21, 2021


Open To Interpretation

Eye of Horus

Papyrus Bundles







Notes: there is software now that recognizes sees it being used in the adventure, soh, it must work like a search engine does with words, which in its turn, works like a's said, the ancient Egyptian had copy these books were all the rules, and images they could use, for their paintings...the archaeologists have yet to find such, and it is a surmise there were such...and for certain there were such, as the artisans stayed true to the canon for like four thousand years!...the first pic is from the tomb of the artisan Pashedu, and it is of much interest to 1973 about, I finally took a college level painting class, and one assignment was to make our own canvases, and they were to be four feet by four feet...big!, soh, from Nat Geo I found a photo of a moth, and, and that Egyptian vignette with the Hawk missing an the time, I thought the Egyptians got as far as comic book art, and were stuck...(nowabout, comics are the thing!)...comic as in childlike, primitive...welp, that notion has come and went...just how did the artisans managed to pass things on, and stay true to the canon, a sophistication unheard of today?...anyway, I looked at the Hawk, and thought, 'I'll put its eye back'...little did I know!...a major feature of the major Egyptian myth is Set poking out Horus' eye...the Hawk is of course, Horus...maybe I can find my painting...I posted it before...the moth too...brb...from storage in the garage, it's become damaged...which is kinda's still in there, and Horus likely to lose his eye again, the inroads of Set being such...awhile back I learned that wavy speckled background to Horus represents the desert-Set's a meaning laden juxtaposition...the artisans are always doing that!...making side by sides!, soh, last few posts I've been going on about the Pharaoh's throne, and searching for what is under it, above it, beside it...under it is often a bundle of reeds...that search, "bundle of reeds" didn't work as well as "bundle of Papyrus"...curious about the Roman fasces, the famous bundle of rods with an ax head, I searched that up a few days back...tracked it back to the Etruscan precursor example of a bundle of rods with a double ax sticking out on top, a tiny bronze artifact...oh, my thought, that's the Mycenean double ax!...did they have a bundle of rods too? luck with that...but still a look about...but I knew the Egyptians have the bundle of reeds, all over the place, notably under the throne. and under the throne too a representation of river/lake/water...a rectangular box, with one end sloped/angled, decorated with waves...sometimes the bundle and the wave box are both under the throne...this goes side by side with the papyrus boats on the Nile with the kiosk canopy, under which the usual offering vignette...offering being made to Pharaoh or a god/goddess....a side be side of the bundle with a papyrus boat notes the wrappings...the bundle has wrapping/rope binding, at each end, and in the middle...the rope binding holds the reeds together, and too, it's said, traps air in them by being tight...I dunno...Papyrus was so important to the Egyptians!...they used it for everything...apparently, they bred from one species a giant version, which has since disappeared with the disappearance of the ancient uses...I've gone on about reeds...side by side with Tigris/Euphrates, Lake Titicaca/Peru, homes, anyway, in the pic of Nefertiti playing Senet is the bundle under her chair, and under her chair the HWT-Block throne!?...the artisans weren't slaves to the canon...they would riff on it, but subtly...I just read, that often the throne box is decorated with the feathers motif...and in the Hawk pic there that is, side by side...the stylization of Horus' plumage is canon...always those looks...the cups, the longer lines, short lines, the zig zags...I took note of this over the years when seeing Egypt Horus paintings...and now, see it in the thrones! the artisans kept integrating motifs, I dunno...they are all of the "same mind" figuratively, maybe literally!...Nefertiti is holding the motif in that wand in her hand...above it, tiny, is the hieroglyph derived from bundles...the kiosk is made from reeds...the offering table is a bundle in the stelae pic...several days of browsing now, I've yet to find a name for the bundle...or an on and on...ALL these motifs have had an on and on, treatments, by someone sometime...but I haven't found a "dictionary" of motifs...dictionaries are difficult to make, and are the result of collaborations...kinda like wikipedia, or any encyclopedia...but without lending themselves to searches the way written words can, (their letter order like an ulr), motifs/images are very hard to find/parse!...that, and there is a lot of disagreement about what they are/mean once focused on...a lot of motifs just don't get close studied!...hmmph...Angels lost today, Athletics 6-0, and yesterday too, Athletics 4-1...and the Dodgers may have dropped two to the Giants...brb...oh!...Dodgers 8-6...they came back tonight...




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