Sunday, July 11, 2021


Open To Interpretation

Copying Laguna Seascape by Edgar Payne

Notes: (from facebook post:) Laguna Seascape, Edgar Payne...(a copy project) it's kindofa nothing burger compositionally...and this from an artist that wrote a book about such...but if one looks at the nine pictures, the ones in the rule of thirds boxes, they hold up pretty good!...go see pictures within pictures is is a thing...the cubist who threw away perspective, expected one of those Sunday comic puzzles..."find this!'...I made the grid in Photo Elements, and next will use it to charcoal draw a sketch on the canvas to a corresponding grid...the way old masters scaled up their can use an overhead projector and such, but the sense of seeing and drawing gets lost tracing...I didn't draw the diagonals, sight lines...easy to see...🙂

hmmph...a friend had a thread on facebook where posters were posting their copy painting efforts...gone somehow...gone too nearly all the all the likes and comments, never a lot!, to my posts...facebook I'd abandon, 'cept when I signed up like my friends and family all linked, and are still on it too...the algobots are wantonly scrubbing any post not in keeping with facebook's criterion...sorta...I really dont know what they are about...



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