Sunday, July 30, 2023

Fractal Scale in Native American Art:OTI::pics,notes:::7/30/2023

Open To Interpretation

Fractal Scale

Four Cornered Hat

Paracas Textiles

Four Cornered Hat  Met Museum

Notes:...Games over, Sunday evening...Angels over Blue Jays, 3-2 in ten innings...Reds walloped the Dodgers...I keep trying to find something complete about the use of colors-conventions?, designs?, for the pre-Columbian Americas...there are conventions for ancient Egyptian Art, for colors, designs, everything!...though there too, it's hard to find it all in one place...most stuff is intro stuff, museum guides, tourist guides, coffee table books...that's just generally true of everything!...anyway, finding the bit about the two headed snakes (another common to all motif), boulder hopped to the two headed bird, and, an OH Wait!...that stylized condor is the step the step fret a Condor? a convention, a scheme, a design, common to all, yeah, well, maybe, though I've been down this path with the step fret being a stylized Rattle Snake...maybe it is the Jaguar too!...sooo, I've been looking for "fractal scale" and "color use"...old, and older posts go on about the colors...back aways, the bit about the new checkerboard tunic they found, and how the hues of its color were different, indicating some local take has it the different colored Inca quipu threads could identify an individual-like one had their own bar code...this notion includes the tocapu tunics, everyone had their own livery...oh, too much!...pursuit of these notions on going...the scale thing is kinda unique, though I found takes on ancient Egyptian scaling-Lotus columns...the example of fractal scaling is often given of hurricanes and spiral galaxies and Fibonacci spiraling sunflowers...fractal scaling is in Nature...thought is the ancients' symbols were take offs of things in Nature...aaand, each motif might be an artifact, an artistic representation of a fact in I fact...I dreamed I was tasked with rescuing such from an art museum under attack, kindofa Monuments Men thing-a figure painting in a protective box, called Time "something"...Time Guard, Time Soldier...something!...I got a hold of it, ran out into the catastrophe, aaand, woke



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