Monday, July 17, 2023

God L's Leg:OTI::pics,notes:::7/17/2023

Open To Interpretation

God L

Mayan artists skills




God L of the Schellhas-Zimmermann-Taube classification of codical gods is one of the major pre-Spanish Maya deities, specifically associated with trade. Characterized by high age, he is one of the Mam ('Grandfather') deities. More specifically, he evinces jaguar traits (particularly the ear), a broad feathery hat topped by an owl, and a jaguar mantle or a cape with a pattern somewhat resembling that of an armadillo shell. The best-known monumental representation is on a doorjamb of the inner sanctuary of Palenque's Temple of the Cross.


Notes:  Game on...oh, they just walked Ohtani to load the bases..,Angels had runners on first and third...Yankees at Angels...bottom of sixth?...fifth...Moniak up...two ball top of sixth...Yankees 0, Angels 0...I was close reading about God L being a "merchant"...for sometime the "traders"...but then, looking at the drawing, I noticed his legs...whoever drew them, understands life drawing-anatomy-muscles and bones...artists in Ancient Egypt did too, and had a real fascination with knees and shins!...the Egyptians arrived at like super hero comic book proportions, depictions...the Greek's copied with their Korous sculptures, and developed full on heroic musclemen....this sort of got forgotten, until they dug up the Laocoon, which inspired Michelangelo, aand to this day, comic book hero artists...thought is, to study out the ancient artists world wide, by how much they knew of anatomy...the cave artists in France understood animal anatomy...Yankees score two, a batter too far for Canning....he's throw over a hundred pitches...but Thais waps a home run in bottom of sixth!...Yankees 3, Angels  of sixth...Canning still pitching...Yankees 3, Angels 1...bottom of seventh...Angels with a runner on, and, they decide to pitch to Ohtani...wap!...over the fence...hitters, like artists, can look at one another swings and "see" the level of skill...and swinging a baseball bat is deeply studied! to that, is golf swings...there might be more instruction videos of golf swings than painting!?...not likely, but the fascination by professionals to amateurs is the top of eighth...the more you learn, the more you gets ridiculously detailed...Picasso lept to fame because he drew better pigeon feet than his father, or so the story goes...but when looking at his line drawings, one can see he is faithful to anatomy, to muscles and bones...bottom of of ninth...Yankees have runner in scoring position, no one out, and runners had to stay down...Double Play! bottom of ninth...Yankees 3, Angels 3...Ohtani up!...and they are pitching to him...needs a triple for seven times this season he's needed a triple, or something, for the cycle! out...Ward up...W...Moustakis up...infield hit...runners first and second...Thais K...and ump kicks Thais top of bottom of tenth...Regnifo up, Wallach on second...Steffanick with a hit...Yankees 3, Angels 4...thankgoodness...I was going nowhere with God L's a halo over this one!!!



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