Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Eagle Rock

Pic is the "perch" where I was yesterday...and I got to thinking if it is where Eagle Rock was....Eagle Rock is said to have fallen during the earthquake that John Muir wrote about...I had read about it awhile back...didn't realize until I re read the story that the earthquake happened on March same date as today!...brb...
John Muir and the 1872 Earthquake: Where was Eagle Rock?
by Ron Limbaugh
Upper Falls had a Horsetail today!

The little bird with the white and black head has coloration just like the stuffed toy Badger I have by the's a souvenir of Badger...which I was remiss in not getting up to this winter!...too preoccupied with the Creek!


That leaves us with the vicinity of Black's Hotel as the best candidate for the site Muir occupied during the earthquake. Since Muir was operating as caretaker during his stay at Black's, his "cabin" must have been very near the rest of the resident rooms, which were constructed in an L-shape at a site in the old Lower Yosemite Village area on the south side of the river southeast of the current swinging bridge. A detailed site map showing Black's Hotel and Muir's earlier and later cabin sites can be found in the National Park Service Historic Resource Study, Yosemite, v. 3 (Sept. 1987).


dont know if that study is on's on ebay!...will have to try and acquire it...if not...look in libraries...that detailed map is a must have!

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