Monday, March 17, 2008

Turkey Vulture?

Peddled over to the Post Office...then made the big loop...Ducks in their pond in Cook's...water went down..must be the cold....and this high flying Buzzard..I think...flew over from the Falls out towards Mirror Lake...nary a wing flap...and close up it has a tinge of red on it's blurry cant tell much!...but I think it's a Buzz Bird...neat if it's an Eagle...they look similar underneath, the guide books say...sunny and very very blue...notice the strong vignetting from the teleconverter lens!...not it's best feature...Deer were back at the Deer House...resting...some nuzzling the leaves for acorns.


Monte Goodyk said...

You have a great blog. What kind of equipment are you using? Also, check out my bird pictures. I have a close up of a turkey vulture.

DavidDavid said...

Canon S3, with teleconverter, Slik tripod and Lowpro camera bag...the small one, cone shaped.

Monte has some great pics at his site!

Thanks for stopping by, Monte!
