Monday, December 22, 2008

Winter Deer

Paddled back and forth to the Post Shuttle and Foot...twice...first trip to pick up the new little just does four by six...and direct from the camera or sd card...but the paper and ink hasn't come yet!...hmmph...second trip was to pick up fourteen birds!....the little plush Audobon toy birds I ordered up from Amazon just last Thursday...already gave one away...they make nice gifts...but I'm reluctant to part with them!....each one is one I've taken pics of hereabouts....Ski Wax came after late lunch...and a nap...I did a SkiAbout in the fading light....out to Creek's End...and the Inside Loop...the Deer were at Creek's End..and moved just the short ways to Owl from clips...the 12x 'sees' better than I can in the glooming!...yesterday was Winter Winter is here...but the days now get longer!....Mallard was out in the Merced at Ozone Beach...clip...and quacking...once out of sight the quacking was loud...alarming....dont know what that was about...dont know if Hawk or Owl goes after Duck!...took a pic of Raven with the new camera in a different fashion...used the Manual Focus...was close enough to be reflected in Raven's Eye...for sometime....the Manual Focus was one reason for the new camera with long lens..when the little birds are close auto focus has a tough time....especially in shade...and if branches are about it's worse...with Manual I might be able to get their pics...the 12x has manual too...but...but it's like playing a tiny video game! I can just figure out manual exposure..that on the 12x works very well with the lcd view finder....tough to hold the new camera out and up and look at the screen...I have to study out how to do this bit!!....sunny in the morning...with puffy fog clouds moving over the Rims and Half Dome...very cool...late afternoon the mini packing ball snow...and during the ski about some drizzly snow...clouded over...dark grey sky moving in from the's just an awesome place...dont know but BadgerBadger will be put off's too cool to cross country ski about the Valley!...oh...needless to say, Antlered Buck is once again Broken Antlered Buck!...looks to have lost some Points on the remaining Antler too!!

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