Thursday, April 18, 2013


American Avocet and clip from Merced Wildlife Refuge...I saw One Avocet stand up when I rolled near in Silver, and then fly off to nearby and browse with more Avocets, and noted what looked like Eggs..this just a few feet from Gravel Rollabout Road...took pic, and studied, and yes, Eggs!...I have very few Nest and Eggs pics and clips...and then noted Second Avocet, still and Two Nesting Avocets. and probably many more I rolled off Second Avocet remained resting...I had just read on one of the Lore Displays, which are very cool, insomuch as they are a kinda open air 'book' all over the country, about how just observing Terns in England was so disturbing Terns Nersting that numbers were reduced from thousands to just a few...

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