Friday, December 11, 2015

New Water Heater

Success!...Hi was behind me, both of us crouched down while I held in one button, and pushed another, to light the pilot...Hi was watching for the little light to come on...'It's blue'! he said...I couldn't believed it...and kept pushing, but then saw it too...and re read and re read the instructions what to do next...wait a bit, then let the button out...did that...still blinking read...turned the knob to like seven...and heard a 'whoosh'...and then silence...'Can't hear...' Hi questioned...'Me neither...' I said...but put my hand on top by the chimney and it was hot!...Success!...I did a jig, and smiles all around.  And none of the fittings leaked, everything fine...paid extra for a six year warranty..'they'll come to light the pilot?'...'yes'...just for that I pay the extra!

And Maya, my dog, is out again free roaming the back yard, and chewing up the big box the water heater came in...:)

It even rained...though just so long as it took to pull the old heater out and soak me...clearing and windy now...time for a nap...


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