Saturday, December 19, 2015

Skellig Michael

A text only post, and about history, afield from fauna and flora, sort of...and grim, so dear readers, a caution to read on...

I'll put the search strings in bold, these are the beginning of a quote, and the link(s), the ulr(s), which are highlighted too, will be the quote(s) end(s)...

Well, Friday afternoon I checked to see if Star Wars was playing, and it was, and I got in to watch...much nostalgia...bit like new rock and roll band doing a cover of best songs of old rock and roll band, with guest parts by the old rockers themselves!...much fun!

The last scene I found fetching...'that could be near Harlech, Wales, Robert Graves favorite place!...' (see previous post)...and indeed it is, a scene from an island off Ireland, Luke Skywalker's favorite place of late, it would seem...

force awakens film locations

During one reconnaissance helicopter flight in advance of initial filming last year, kittiwake chicks in nests on a ledge below were swept into the sea by the downdraught and devoured by gulls, and this resulted in further flights being curtailed.

Star Wars: Habitats directive ‘breached’ on Skellig Michael

The Irish monks have a tale to tell, which I have only sketch, but will study out for sometime post!...

hmmph...Robert Graves and Ezra Pound...famously they were introduced with: "Ezra, Robert; Robert, wont like one another..."...indeed, and it is almost like there are two off shoots, followers of one or the other, who may not get along much either!...I haven't studied it out, but one can begin such a study with Ted Hughes, the poet, and his take on Graves and environmentalism, and Gary Snyder, the poet, and his take on Pound and environmentalism...and such a study will carry one through the canon of twentieth century poets and the commentaries about them...Hollywood movies have critics, and likewise poets nowadays, and it's too much for Fauna and Flora!..I wont delve...anyway, Hollywood has out distanced all the print poets (Hughes seems to have noted this, and fashioned Iron Man, (not Marvel comics'))...there's nothing any of them are saying that isn't in the film Avatar, or for that matter in Star Wars The Force Awakens...

I made it into the theater in time for the previews...a new Batman, another Independence Day, Ninja Turtles, X Men Apocolypse, and a true story of a large ship torn in half in a storm....along with the main feature, Star Wars, they are all alike, for goodness sake, in their depiction of impending doom...I guess we need such films, to allay our most innermost anxieties so we can go on about our day to day!

anyway, Star Wars is much fun...Lucas came upon Joseph Campbell, who came upon Frazer's  Golden Bough, who Graves came upon too, and acknowledges in the intro to the White Goddess...and Pound was clearly of the Dark Side!

for tomorrowmorrow, Acorns and Pine Nuts...


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