Saturday, April 10, 2021


Open To Interpretation

Dream Escape

Notes: game on...on the radio...rain delayed game...just found it, thought it postponed...bottom of fourth...Angels in trouble, trailing...Madden was ejected...bottom of fourth...runners on first and second....oh!...Angels down 10-1....double play...base hit...Blue Jays Jays 13-1...woop...Jays to caption "dream escape"...but left out 'a"...'drem" said to be obsolete version  of "dream"...had gotten as far as "e..s..c" when I noted missing 'a'...thought long...what to do what to do...thinking to conflate dream escape with fire escape...maybe that's still, the monster is an alligator on long legs...chasing after my dream avatar, which did manage to get up the stairs...I looked a bit like the first drawing of a dinosaur!...brb...


The first named dinosaur fossil was Megalosaurus, and as one can imagine, being the first meant that we had very little idea how dinosaurs were related to today’s animals, how they were built, and what parts went where. Given that the remains we had to work with were fragmentary at best, it’s understandable how wrong Samuel Goodrich was in his 1857 interpretation of the species.


Ohtani grounded bottom of fifth...Ohtani had triple in first inning...very strange game...hopefully not a harbringer!...scrubs in to replace regulars for Angels...time to feed Maya my Dog..bbk with report...



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