Sunday, June 16, 2019

Seven Poems:6/16/19:and notes...

Seven Poems


So, what am i try'n' to do,
Be in your window too?
It isn't like it's yesterday
Where all our memories play.
What's a thing but a moment's smoke ring?
Never liked being true,
Just being with you.


Can I haunt your haunt?
Perfect your perfect?
Make your make?
Hunt your hunt?


Oh, I could go to Mexico
And be another lynch,
My neck in a loop,
Wrenched, cinched, pinched!
Or, I could go to Mexico,
And, ohhhhhhhhh, Mexico!


I'll leave you these flowers,
I couldn't find the ones I was looking for.


I'm not your motorcycle,
Too loud
To hear.

Milky Way

Have you found a river,
A forest stream
In your dreams?
One can't see the Milky Way from Town.


Ishmael looked glum.
Of late, too many long thoughts.
"So, Poe, how do we find
Two Goblets identical
To pour the potion
To awaken Petra?"
Kannon stood behind the seated crew
Gathered around Ishmael and Poe
On the Black Deck of Black Ship Liz.
"No two things alike, you ask?"
Asked Poe.
"Truly, there is truth." Poe continued.
Kannon smiled,
And joined her crew seated.
Poe can be long winded,
And she felt a breeze.
Black Ship Liz stirred,
The Black Sails ruffled,
"A long journey ahead."
Said Ishmael,
And sat down on the Black Deck.


Notes: The Black Deck Tales have a pace all of their own...this to say, sometimes it seems best to wait, rather than pry...this bit, Glum, from months back, where the story is at present...much of the current tale, Two Goblets, is from the Inca penchant for making presentation goblets in couldn't give, or even have, just one...maybe I can find this...brb...well, wait, I'm on the tablet...the Homeridae, my grouping of favorite authors, under the Dodona oaks, I lightly try to keep in character, as with all, and I say lightly as I dont want to skew them...Poe's special...and  putting words in his mouth a looked for some support, here noted...he wrote a prose poem called Eureka, which only nowabout have I begun to read, though found it months back when I added Glum, and found the wiki take quote following...Eureka has a frame, a letter found in a bottle, from the year, if I have this right, 2800...Poe is on my suspect list of time travelers!...and Poe looks to have devised his own Homeridae in humorous fashion...Eureka a study for sometimes...


The Poetic Principle: Poe on Truth, Love, Reason, and the Human Impulse for Beauty – Brain Pickings

I would define, in brief, the Poetry of words as The Rhythmical Creation of Beauty. Its sole arbiter is Taste. With the Intellect or with the Conscience, it has only collateral relations. Unless incidentally, it has no concern whatever either with Duty or with Truth.

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Eureka: A Prose Poem - Wikipedia

His attempts at discovering the truth also follow his own tradition of "ratiocination", a term used in his detective fiction tales. Poe's suggestion that the soul continues to thrive even after death also parallels with works in which characters reappear from beyond the grave such as "Ligeia". The essay is oddly transcendental, considering Poe's disdain for that movement. He considered it his greatest work and claimed it was more important than the discovery of gravity.

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Eureka: An Essay on the Material and Spiritual Universe - Edgar Allan Poe - Google Books

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Dualism in Andean Art | Essay | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Finally, in the Inca empire (1438–1532) and in later times, artists always produced wooden beakers (keros) in pairs. Keros were kept and used in pairs to drink chicha, the sacred corn beer (
1994.35.15,.16). Pairs of identical “brother keros” symbolized the dual organization of the Inca sociopolitical system in which each hierarchical level included two complementary moieties. Subtly or clearly expressed in art, opposite doubles and mirror images reflect the ancient heritage of symbolic dualism in the ideologies, world visions, and social structures of Andean people.


the Goblets for sometime...



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