Sunday, August 18, 2019


Open To Interpretation


Notes:  Game on...on the radio...White Sox and of fifth...lead off double...Angels 4-1...missed posting the last few games...runner picked down...Angels won two of them, lost one...I think...listened to all of them, while browsing and playing a drawing game...the game is really cool, and has import to the study of enigmas! things are captioned...'Draw Something' the app is called...playing it on my tablet...draw with just my finger tip...a kind of limit, and limited drawing tools too...a few different circles, and line...a few colors...prompts are simple too...simple as it is, I find it a difficult challenge!...but the game makes for drawings that make one laugh and smile...that's been one diversion...the other has been the news...following that, has brought back all my jfk spy buff's algo, 'recommended just for you' brought up George Webb, and McDuff, John O'Gloughlan, channels...and I've gone back down the rabbit hole!...which I've tried to avoid for like fifteen years or's hard to sort out what all the channels are going on about...and, and I thought to post this to a comment thread:

quote me
i's study was this: The JFK Asssassination Timeline Chart - 290 pages Large Print (The George de Mohrenschildt 11 volume series) eBook: Steve Perez, Bruce Adamson, Mathew Rose, Col. Andrew Amerson, Donald Knight: Kindle Store

See comments

and now of late, having been following GWandJO on McDuff, I browse GW old clips...Adamson I am familiar with from times years ago following McAdam's jfk forum...but Adamson's books were like behind a paywall, but now I see they are on kindle...and much too posted to web...Adamson's patter like GW's!...anyway, my problem is individual channels pull a thread from the big ball of yarn,  get something straight for like a second, then, then they make another snarled tangled ball of yarn...I mean, how many yarns are there?😐

unquote me

a lot of the researchers conclude with a kind of 'call to arms'...and a thought today is when do conspiracy researchers become a conspiracy in their own right!...there's one such called Q, QAnon, followers holding up signs at Trump rallies, and, it is on the speculative 'ban' list...


The FBI has identified prominent conspiracy theories, including the sprawling rightwing hoax known as QAnon, as motivators for “domestic extremists” to carry out violence in the US.

The Guardian


and, and last weekend,  the Proud Boy group marching in Portland spokesman spoke that the purpose was to bait Antifa, and follow on Trump wants to declare Antifa a domestic extremist...hmmph...the upshot of this is the web, youtube especially, will be 'curated'...the web has always had a problem with just terrible things being posted, and the big platforms like facebook and google have armies of curators who do nothing but filter posts...the computers can do a lot towards that end, but it takes human's an odd thing, but the ancient enigma channels run like on a parallel track with the research conspiracy it's easy to drift off from one to the's thought was to track 'jump cut', apparently a spook term, they have their own vocabulary, and see if it is like 'match cut'...the term I'm often using for side by side comparisons of motifs...brb...


A jump cut is a cut in film editing in which two sequential shots of the same subject are taken from camera positions that vary only slightly if at all. This type of edit gives the effect of jumping forwards in time. It is a manipulation of temporal space using the duration of a single shot, and fracturing the duration to move the audience ahead. This kind of cut abruptly communicates the passing of time as opposed to the more seamless dissolve heavily used in films predating Jean-Luc Godard's Breathless, when jump cuts were first used extensively. For this reason, jump cuts, while not seen as inherently bad, are considered a violation of classical continuity editing, which aims to give the appearance of continuous time and space in the story-world by de-emphasizing editing. Jump cuts, in contrast, draw attention to the constructed nature of the film.


Renigfo comes home on hit by Thais...Angels 5-1...hmmph....brb...


In film, a match cut is a cut from one shot to another where the two shots are matched by the action or subject and subject matter. For example, in a duel a shot can go from a long shot on both contestants via a cut to a medium closeup shot of one of the duellists. The cut matches the two shots and is consistent with the logic of the action. This is a standard practice in film-making, to produce a seamless reality-effect.


oh, I woke up from an odd dream, and was thinking about it along the lines of this from above:

"For example, in a duel a shot can go from a long shot on both contestants via a cut to a medium closeup shot of one of the duelists."

that's a bit like looking at scene, and then using a telescope to look at something specific in scene...and a 'scene' might be a discussion, and the 'closup' the pre-supposition, the idea, of the scene...something like above the Proud Boys making a scene, and their pre-supposition was to get the attention of Trump, and have Trump go on about Antifa, declaring it a domestic terrorist...I keep picturing a picture with like an insert picture, the insert explaining the import of the complete picture...I's like a kid who suddenly becomes shy in school...the picture...and the reason is the other kids are making fun of him because he just got glasses...the insert picture that explains the whole picture...lot of applications of this notion!...


Their quick exit from the stand-off against anti-fascist groups came just a few hours after President Trump signaled he was watching—which was apparently all many on the far-right wanted anyway.
“Go look at President Trump’s Twitter,” Proud Boys protest organizer Joe Biggs told The Oregonian when asked what message the group wanted to convey. “He talked about Portland, said he’s watching antifa. That’s all we wanted. We wanted national attention, and we got it. Mission success.”

Major consideration is being given to naming ANTIFA an “ORGANIZATION OF TERROR.” Portland is being watched very closely. Hopefully the Mayor will be able to properly do his job!


I dunno...there are laws on the books against conspiracies to overthrow the federal government...back and forths on this going back to the Civil War...seventh inning stretch...singing of God Bless America on Sunday now a tradition in all the ballparks...I'm gonna take a back with up date...oh...Ohtani waps a home run!...first one in the last eighteen games...only one in last 33...Angels 7-1...Ohtani has nine game hitting streak too...bk...Angesl win!...Angels 9-2...put a halo over this one!...



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