Sunday, October 18, 2020


Open To Interpretation

#inktober eighteen


Huntington State Beach Jetties, Blimp

Notes: out and back to Huntington State Beach, Brookhurst/Jetties...the tide was out...way out...sat with everyone on the beach, then moved out onto the exposed beach...Inktober prompt trap...had in mind Lobster Trap...drew from memory Alphonso Dunn's proportion tutorial, then took a leap at the lobster in the trap...web searching half man half lobster brought up something really neat!...for post, soh, there were people posing all over the exposed sand...some compulsion to just sit and roll around in the soft waves...I've long known we're basking seals/walruses at heart!...anyway, I was content, and then, and then I saw the blimp!...'it's going to cross the orange ball sun'...anxiety set in...I wanted movie clip, and still pic...lucky to remember I can do that, take a still while filming...did it all the time in the Valley...but rust all over my camera techniques!...sooo, the blimp obliged, Sun too, and right at the end of the clip this bean pole with a skate board under his arm enters the frame...deleted from clip up...and his on about becomes a show...he's a sun worshipping yogi of some sort!...stretches and arm raises...he has some command of lore, that arm position is an ancient Egyptian motif!...bit over the top, but there he is, included with the other 'arms up'!...oh...almost forgot, had to check, had listened on the radio coming back but left off to post...Dodger 4-3...onward to the World Series!...



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