Monday, October 26, 2020

Smoke:OTI::pics, notes:::10/26/20

Open To Interpretation

#inktober twenty six


Balboa Pier,  Smoke Sunset

Notes: out and back to Balboa Pier...expectant of an orange sunset from the Silverado Fire...the wind dropped off just as I left, a very good strong as it was, it could send the fire all the way to the ocean through Laguna Beach...wished I was up at Top of the World...view from there would take in the fire...and, and when I arrived at Balboa, I arrived to see no surf with the off shore breeze making for a flat ocean...very different to listen to the small bay like waves, and otherwise quiet...not many about...sat at the Sunset Spot on the Pier looking north, and watched the show...missed getting pic of smoke on the southern horizon...pic looking south is blurry, but the camera did a thing, the houses turned into like sandstone bluffs...cameras can be impressionistic too!...last night, viewed Turner art vlogs...Turner famous for his moody paintings of London Fogs, and Sunsets-an influence on Monet, who followed on with his Lily Pad paintings...these are expressions of what Paul Klee expressed about colors-colors like musical tones, and like music, each with an associated mood...a lot of modern abstract paintings are 'mood' paintings....not to be understood, but 'heard', mood wise, or some idea that has merit!...cloudy skies, blue skies, have their moods...and Nature is full of abstractions-sounds, like the waves, too...anyway, inktober prompt "Hide"'s Lobster in a tin can...and reminds me of STG's song Somewhere to Hide...a favorite...Paul Klee drew and painted on all kinds of things, and of all kinds of imaginary things...a favorite!...tomorrow's prompt is 'music', I and white sun into moon...



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