Saturday, October 10, 2020


Open To Interpretation

#inktober ten


HB State Beach at Gilbert Entrance

Notes:  out and back to Huntington Beach State Beach...entered at Magnolia, and rolled through the lots far as I could go north towards the Pier, which is about at Gilbert...thought to bicycle to the Pier, but close by snack stand was open...cheesburger, curly fries and soda,,,sat with my back against the low wall by the Promenade, music blaring from the stand-picnic benches there filled up-snacked, and, and noticed the odd sign...oh, a wedding in inktober prompt for the day!...Hope...was hoping for a fitting scene!...go figure...peddled back to Silver, my Jeep, but the Sun was setting faster than my getting there, so dragged the bike across the wide beach, and plunked down on the berm, tide bringing the waves to my sunset...Catalina on the clear horizon...on the return to Silver from there, the second sunset pic, I forgot my hat...lucky to retrieve it...then lost track of where I parked Silver...hunting about on the Promenade in the dark...thinking I lost Silver too!...but okay, right where I parked her...hyo!...onward...



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