Thursday, July 31, 2008

Small Yellow Bird looks to be a Yellow Warbler....I had tried desperately to take their pics...but they are always hiding in the Aspen and Alder leaves...I just get glimpses and hear them peeping...this all on Lodgpole Point...and yesterday!...finally I sat on the Log (see pic of me with 12x) at Creek's's surfaced now...a little damp...Blue Jay came hopping up..see clip..and then the Warbler landed on the sapling at the Point...and held still long enough for one pic!...these tiny birds are really tough...

Now...what to do with all the other pics and clips of the last few days!!???...there will have to be a Fawn night...from the Backyard to Tuolumne!...and a Tuolumne Hawk night...and Picket Pins...babies...some Marmot...and even Oar Water Bugs...Boatmans the book calls them...have to be a Bug Nite...and the smoke made for some interesting scenics...

Power came back and I uploaded all the cards...haven't even had time to review them...

Initially... I intended to limit things to the Backyard...and the Creek...and while I include pics and clips from further afield...bit by bit I have gathered a glimpse of what's about hereabouts...and that will be put together sometime in something titled Creek's End or something!

Sunny and warm and blue...with some remarkable Horsetail pic of them above Sentinel...for tomorrow..or sometime!...things are a bit scrambled!

Much thanks to the Firefighters and their ongoing efforts to keep the Fire at bay...distant as it may seem...I've ridden through the Merced Canyon many times...a wild place!...and without them...everything hereabouts would be at the Fire's mercy.

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