Monday, August 1, 2011

Crescent City Harbor Seagull's latelate...been learning to play WOW (World of Warcraft)...there are some really remarkable similarities between the walkabouts hereabout, and the 'walks' in the WOW Realms...dont know but I should make an annex blog..begin another thread.....I think of threads like aridane's thread...a way back out of a labyrinth...and a way to recall...I highly recommend keeping a journal, or online blog, just for doesn't take much to bring back an entire day...not that I dwell on past days!...but it's nice to have a collection of souvenirs! pics today...showers and thunder this morning, muggy aftenoon and up from Crescent City Harbor...took great pleasure on the rollarounds to sit awhile here and there and just look out at Horizons, especially Ocean...

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