Wednesday, June 3, 2015


I kept watering the Weed Patch up until just a couple days ago, and in those couple days since, the Weeds have wilted, along with the few struggling Carrots...picked the Carrots, munched the two largest, the resultance of an extravagant effort! effort pleasantly diverted by Maya, but success!...too, the White Truck passed its smog test this afternoon, and funds haven't taken the hit I expected!... so, so, tomorrowmorrow, I'll try to get back to work on the Old House, and the Garden, though not after another travail, going to the vet to have Maya spayed...seems a shame, and seems the right thing to do...hmmph...but Bunny, my Australian Shepard (see pic on mast), wasn't spayed for the eight years or so I had her, and when she was in heat it was trouble...and I didn't breed her...I'm not a dog breeder, and the breeding of dogs best left in the hands of professionals...but the thought here is that dog breeding isn't in the hands of professionals, and the 'too many unwanted dogs' refrain is why the County, the Vets the neighbors, say, spay or neuter your dog...dogs are prolific, and no wild world for them to make a balance...sympathies to anyone, including myself, deciding on spaying and neutering...


Jeannette said...

your carrot pictures are like a painting.

DavidDavid said...

:)...thanks!...another tropical fish plate from target...