Tuesday, June 16, 2015


I woke up at like 3am and got to thinking how I could play checkers in World of Warcraft...in Stormwind Park, if it was still around, I think Deathwing obliterated it, there could be some of those permanent park picnic tables with checkerboards painted on them where park goers sit and play checkers or chess...'that's not what the makers of the game want you to do, DavidDavid, play an outside game inside their game!'...'s so, I'd say, but from the veryvery first moment I played the game, I saw in the avatar toons, and how they moved in the environment, and spoke, and chatted, and could see one another, the means to do, well, everything that's done in the day to day...especially learning and education....being a teacher in a school is cool, and how cool it would be to be an avatar toon teacher teaching avatar toon students...and in wow, or wherever...a school, like a checkerboard, where avatars could meet and learn...the game already is a school, each quest is like a lesson, somewhat a hark back to that terrible learn on your own algebra book given to me as a freshman in highschool, a product of JFK seeing the need for engineers and such for the navy...the rascals made me do push ups in the seventh grade too!...so, so, I wake up and 'am thinking on this and google on my iphone, 'wow school class room'...and it came back with a website, wowinschool...and here's a youtube:  google search: wow in school youtube...(can't get ulr to work)...the speaker is typically wow frenetic, but it is  an exciting thing, and idea...and myself, while I play the game, a lot, for much fun, I always have this kinda second track going on in my head about how the game will work out in the world of education....sunny hot all day yesterday...oh...the specific thought I was having was if one of my guildies knows another language, and if they would be willing to hold little language learning sessions, maybe in a shady spot in Elywin Forest, where a small gathering of avatar students could sit and learn...or maybe just share poems...:)...oh!...as it happens, awhile back I chose the battletag, checkerboard....my 'nom de guerre'...:)...and I can't leave off this without the link that comes up google searching: wow poetry and world of warcraft poetry

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