Wednesday, February 10, 2021


Open To Interpretation

Abstrcat Cat

Draw like Picasso

Notes: out for chocolate croissant and blueberry skone, hot grande coffee, and sat in the drive-Little, the Cat, on the hood of Silver, my Jeep, for pic above is Chubby Cheeks Cat eating on the Porch...and, and the contemplation: abstraction...much taken by the youtube Sketch vlog going on about Picasso's "ugly" paintings...they're not that hard to do, to make them work, so to speak...this because our perceptive focus is very narrow, and we can fill in surroundings with our imagination...when I see a cat, I don't see the whole cat, but rather some small feature, and my imagination fills in the rest...what the abstractionist do is jumble together features, and coax ones imagination into all kinds of 'guesses' a way, abstract paintings are descended from the 'problem pictures'-paintings that invited viewers to guess what they were about...sorta like the cartoon caption contests in the New Yorker magazine!...there are problems with Ingris paintings!...said he was using an optical tool to view his subject, and the tool distorted...brb...see pic from vlog has a collection of the mistakes artists of note, is one will use a mixed color on a brush, paint an area...and move on...and then notice the whole area of that mixed color wasn't painted, and since, the color remixed, and so now lost...what to do what to do...well, one smugefuges...see clip!....



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