Monday, February 1, 2021


Open To Interpretation

Huasateca statue found

Holding Cat

following from old post...

The representation of a deity with a buccal mask was found in the tomb itself, on a gold pectoral  that has previously been identified as the male god of death, Mictlantecuhtli, though lacking any diagnostic male attributes, and wearing a headdress similar one worn by female supernaturals in the Mixtec codices (Fig. 11). 

Gold pectoral

Notes: some farmers found the statue in an orange grove in Mexico...story in the news like a week ago...'I've seen that hair before!' my thought...the Mixtec gold masks ornaments have it, which I've visited before with posts...this Huasatec statue looks like the Mixtec "female supernaturals"...too, I've seen the hairstyle in Tibet old photos...has a name...brb..."patruk" Tibet hairstyle"...some kind of parallel cultural evolution...the Tibetan costume/clothing even resembles the statue's...a fondness for earrings, pectorals, and image searches can be a wonder, and too a frustration...and sometimes too much!...toilet gods and, there IS a sacredness to what is regarded as profane...anyway, cartoon sketch of neighbor holding cat...googlelooked "holding cat" too...cartoons, drawings, paintings...lots and lots...



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