Saturday, February 6, 2021


Open To Interpretation

Everything is a Cloud

Cat Cleaning

Notes;  Edgar Payne's "Laguna Coast" is on the to do list...on youtube, there's a clip of one of his landscapes being restored, the old yellowed varnish removed...dont know, but Laguna Coast has that old varnish is late evening light coloring-see Palm Trees, so, I make a copy of Coast is part of a challenge...and my attention found it because of the treatment of the waves...I've come up with the notion that clouds are everything...the fundamental form...and there, Payne's waves look like clouds!...or bread, soh, for waves and clouds anyway, it's a match...which is useful for me to know, as from doing transparent water colors, I'm good at clouds...everyone is who has done transparent watercolor!...what happens with the paint on the paper is exactly what happens in the sky with clouds...water puddles in water rolling out for snack, I took pics of the Ficus, and the Palms to illustrate...and then back form Jack in the Box, #21, coffee forgotten by them, and me!, and chocolate cake, on the driveway, I sketched the squid shooting out a cloud of ink...sometimes my ideas are far ahead of my sketch! for sometime...both Little and Rufio on Silver's hood...I can't find where the painting is, in a museum, collection?...hoping to go look at it, get a good idea of the brush it is Payne wrote books about how to paint...a few of his paintings are in local museums, which are closed...I'll get his book, and some of the books about Payne...some of this on web, youtube vlogs...and, and from there, I know where he stood to paint it...maybe tomorrow's roll about...and some more about clouds....



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