Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Two Otters

On the rollabout (same route as in January!), after leaving Ft. Bragg, I made a visit to Ft. Ross, my second, but only visited the Museum, which is very good, and reading about the Otter Trade the Russians pursued (and tried to manage with quotas, which may be a first), the exhibits brought to mind the Otters at Moss Landing, which is where I was going, and on the Road I considered things in between Ft. Ross and Moss Landing. a long days contemplation! and clips from that day for sometime...hereabout today, Deer by the Cabin...Three Does, Two Fawns...cloudy cool...Flowers are blooming in the Merced Canyon...need a blueblue sunny day for Poppy pic!....oh...the little blue ribbon tag is back on the Last Chance Ponderosa, a Giant the tourists often put their arms around for Tree Hugger pics....

At youTube now, after veiwing one of the clips, it can be followed by another, and another, which is kinda cool, as one can see the clips together...a problem is if I subscribe to other youTubes, then, like with facebook's news feeds, the clips of all the subscriptions are in the que...I'm trying to keep the blog as compact as possible, and on point so to speak, so I'm not subscribing to other youTubes, though I visit plenty of them....youTube has become something to be reckoned with, as is facebook...I have a facebook page, friend wanted me to look at their pics thereabout, so needed a page of my own...this is a drawback of facebook...blogger, anyone can visit page, with or without having a blog....and youTube is part of google, and has this 'compactness' is easy for things to get 'overwrought'....overwrought is a word I've been contemplating of late...just talked to artist friend, and they were going on about capturing detail with live observation, and photos, of the Valley for their was always a dilemma in art class when to decide when enough detail!....anyway, for some reason, the hd clips upload to youTube faster than avis, and faster than mpegs to blogger, and just having a link to youTube on the blog page makes it load a little faster, so there are benefits to putting clips on youTube...but I miss having the little clip, the pics, and the text all together...hmpph...but the hd clips are cool...hmmph,,,,when I finish a clip upload, I can with one clic share it to my facebook wall, and for a little while to the facebook, of late, clips are here, and there...awhile back, I backed up the blog to my yahoo mail, and one can back up blogs by downloading to drive, or even having hard copies made...and I think pdf files can be made....oh...facebook is a bit overwrought--thought I was reaching for back a bit...

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