Thursday, November 1, 2007

Merced Coyote

Got to Owl Log (the log at Creek's End where I wait for the Owls to hoot!), and no sooner sat down than Coyote came from the Chapel Meadow and crossed the Merced. It did get it's paws wet, but that's about it!
Squirrel pic from the roof of the Cabin, butterfly on Ponderosa bark over at the Fall's Meadow (I looped across the street..think I'll do that more...) and pics of the perfect Dogwood...actually it's several trees bunched together, but when in flower it's like the perfect tree as it's symmetrical tree like, and it stops the tourists in their tracks in the Spring just off the bus and on their ways to first view of the Falls. Tough to photograph though as it's in a very nondescript location next to the road...most of the time not even noticed till the flowers show it was it's Fall leaves.
The White Alder leaves just dry up and fall off green! hmmph. Lot of the trees now are just bare branches.
Sunny, cool, and blue.

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