Sunday, May 10, 2009

Owl Overhead

After Breakfast, paddled over Chapel Bridge to check on Owl...and no one about in the Owls either on the Cottonwood!...a bit concerned, I went over to the Two Ponderosas...checked all the branches with the binocs...finallyfinally on the far side of one, glimpsed Owl about halfway up...four minute clip!...and pics...forgot to download the ones with the new camera...mostly just Owl's back from where I was...and taking them the reason for the long clip...I set the new 2ox to record while I worked around the other side of the Pine...Owl seemed unconcerned...and I think I could have stood there a long time looking up!!...couldn't locate the Young Owls..thought maybe they too were in the Ponderosas...did find feathers on the ground...which I learned later from the Park Orinthologist...who was with a group looking through binocs at the Cottonwood from the Path...were the feathers of Bandtail Pigeon...thought that..and hoped as much!..I found a bunch the other day in the Village too...picked up from under the Pines and walked towards the Cottonwood...looking all over..and then I went out in the Meadow aways...and finallyfinally spotted one Young Owl!...pic and clip...I looked and looked for the second...but it wasn't until I had given up a bit, and looked through the new scope...oh!...I forgot to tell why the new scope was on the tripod!...while I was looking at the Cottonwood, Mama Owl had moved to another branch, and I could see her set up the didgi...but just as I was ready, she flew to the other side of the Pine...then I dropped the whole caboodle...bracket slipped off..but no harm done...but I just kind of left off time coming...and no time to re gather my composure!!...but on the Path I had the scope on the tripod..and studied the Tree...and finallyfinally found the second Young Owl...took pics of both...above...up the Path was the group with the binocs...and I went over, set up, and offered looks through the scope...and had a fine talkabout about Owls with the Park Orinthologist!!..I'm not sure how she knew the Owls were there...forgot to ask...but she knew where all the others are in the Valley!...and I was glad to hear there are more...sunny hot and blue...just a slight of Big Blond Bear walking across Swinging Bridge..and the tourists making way...once across, Bear took a swim in the Merced...a few days ago, report of the Little Blond Bear in Flicker Grove...I reported that...but tonight, the photog, Sandy, who awhile back I showed where Owl was on condition of an email of the pics, has her website up..and a pic of the Little Blond Bear sleeping up in a Pine...which is knockdown...and coincidentally a bit like Owl pic above!...
Today's Web Site
at the site.. Little Blond Bear is in the Wildlife set...
Blog of the Day
I'll put this one on the mast too!!

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