Sunday, September 13, 2015

Eternal Triangle

A  text only post, and about history, afield from fauna and flora, sort of...and grim, so dear readers, a caution to read on...


For additional terms, the word "love" can be prefixed to other polygons with the appropriate number of vertices, to reflect romantic relationships involving more people, e.g. "love pentagon" or a "love hexagon."

Love Triangle 
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The news check this morning reports another dust up on the Temple Mount between Arabs and Jews...

The midnight youtube movie last night was The Wolfman 1941...I was  Zorro fan when I was a kid, the Disney series on TV,  and before I'd leave for school in the morning, I'd draw  a Z on the mirror in the bathroom with much the same fashion, after seeing the Wolfman, myself, and school chums, would draw pentagrams on our palms with red crayons...we were always acting out the movies and tv shows and comic books...

As a kid, I missed all the grown up stuff in the Wolfman movie, and watching it again, much later, I find it very 'adult'!...remembering the Pentagrams we drew, brought me to watching it...

the movie doesn't allude to it, but there was a time when a secretive group drew pentagrams on their palms...the Pythagorians!...


According to Aristotle, number speculation is the most characteristic feature of Pythagoreanism. Things “are” number, or “resemble” number. To many Pythagoreans this concept meant that things are measurable and commensurable or proportional in terms of number—an idea of considerable significance for Western civilization. But there were also attempts to arrange a certain minimum number of pebbles so as to represent the shape of a thing—as, for instance, stars in a constellation that seem to represent an animal. For the Pythagoreans even abstracted things “have” their number: “justice” is associated with the number four and with a square, “marriage” with the number five, and so on. The psychological associations at work here have not been clarified.


Just after the above at that site is this:

quote (same)

the sacred decad (the sum of the first four numbers) in particular has a cosmic significance in Pythagoreanism: its mystical name, tetraktys (meaning approximately “fourness”), implies 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10; but it can also be thought of as a “perfect triangle.”


this triangle looks like this:

Is the Wolfman movie referencing the Pentagram of the Pythagorians?...I don't know, but its plot has the eternal triangle,'s the standard plot of a damsel in distress, and the hero is battling a villain...Wolfman has some twists to it, but it's easy to see...maybe easier is the first Spiderman movie, where both the hero and villain go through transformations...Hollywood scripts use like just a few find that there are computer programs that will generate plots for script writers!
anyway, in previous post, I somewhat dismissed comic books, and Hollywood, as not being worthy of the respect I give the Bible...personally, that Biblical respect  of mine is about respecting the people who hold the Bible, Koran, and such, sacred and truth, Hollywood and comic books and story tellers in all media and arts, I respect too...and at times regard the Bible as a comic book story...real life day to day Dante's Divine Comedy maybe...


Dante called the poem "Comedy" (the adjective "Divine" was added later in the 14th century) because poems in the ancient world were classified as High ("Tragedy") or Low ("Comedy").[30] Low poems had happy endings and were written in everyday language, whereas High poems treated more serious matters and were written in an elevated style.

and this today dust up on the Temple Mount is another episode in an eternal triangle's like two, three if you count Chrisitans, rivals have given God  flirtatious bouquets of flowers...their Temples...the plot has more than a few twists, I'd say, but it's easy enough to see... 
The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.
4Again I will build thee, and thou shalt be built, O virgin of Israel: thou shalt again be adorned with thy tabrets, and shalt go forth in the dances of them that make merry.
Jeremiah 31

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