Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Trial and Error

A  text only post, and about history, afield from fauna and flora, sort of...and grim, so dear readers, a caution to read on...

I can't remember just what all I was thinking on when I rolled my billiard ball set, fifteen balls and a cue ball, out on the carpet, and found by putting one in the center surrounded by others, I could make polygons...looking back, I think I had that wonderful book of snowflake photographs in mind...


It took Bentley two years of painstaking  trial and error, but at the age of eighteen years, he made the world's first photomicrograph of a snow crystal (January 15, 1815)

Masters of Photography - Wilson 'Snowflake' Bentley




I had in mind I think that the snowflakes' shape came from the atoms themselves, and how they were combining, and insomuch as atoms are thought of as little spheres, the billiard balls could represent them...and that worked just fine...I could make hexagons easy...I turned to using pennies, and one can make more polygons...atoms join together at angles, famously Mickey Mouse ears represent the  water molecule, with two hydrogen atoms joined to an oxygen atom...

for myself, I was making a discovery which of course had already been much discovered!...and messing with the billiard balls and pennies, I felt a bit like Richard Dreyfuss when he was messing with the potatoes at the dinner table in the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind...he thinks he's losing his mind...his family knows he is...what's happened is the approaching aliens have implanted an image of where they are going to arrive at in a lot of people's imaginations...Dreyfuss being just one...he's trying to articulate Devil's Tower with the potatoes...apparently, the scientific community has gotten the clearest messages, as they know just where to go, and what to bring, at Devil's Tower in Montana...but  some in the general public were seeing a vague image of the Tower, and a few, make it to there...Dreyfuss makes it into the spaceship!...it's a fun story, and one way the aliens message is with five tones, da de da daaa daaaaa...Spielberg, the producer, may be playing with the sound the five vowels make, 
a e I o u ...lol...my keyboard wants to print capital I when I put those letters together...a e I o u...that movie was out at the time, and was 'on my mind' too!

I hadn't thought to write about snowflakes starting out this post...had more in mind to write about the trial and error experiments Thomas Edison used to invent light bulbs, and compare that story with how Nikola Tesla invented a/c, alternating current, electricity...that's a famous story of a rivalry between Tesla and Edison...but I diverted a bit to snowflakes, and read a lot again about Tesla this morning...and find this!


I have observed electrical actions, which have appeared inexplicable. Faint and uncertain though they were, they have given me a deep conviction and foreknowledge, that ere long all human beings on this globe, as one, will turn their eyes to the firmament above, with feelings of love and reverence, thrilled by the glad news: "Brethren! We have a message from another world, unknown and remote. It reads: one… two… three…"

Christmas 1900

Nikola Tesla

... ... ...

In the summer of 1899, while alone in his Colorado Springs laboratory working with his magnifying transmitter, the inimitable Nikola Tesla observed a series of unusual rhythmic signals which he described as "counting codes."

Letters of Note


I happened on that letter trying find web copies of letters between Nikola Tesla and Katherine Johnson...


Katharine McMahon Johnson was, according to some accounts, the only woman Tesla ever loved. She was the wife of Tesla's lifelong friend, Robert Underwood Johnson. Though the two often exchanged flirtatious letters, their relationship was totally platonic. Not forgetting Tesla even at death, she charged Robert to keep in close touch with him always.



...another eternal triangle!

Tesla could just 'see' an invention, his 'mind's eye' was acute, and where Edison could invent through trial and error, and by making small steps beyond things already invented, Tesla could leap ahead and with one fell swoop make the a/c generators at Niagara Falls that lit up New York...it was all done in his head...Michelangelo could do this too...he could look at a block of marble, and see the sculpture in it...many comic book artists do this...they see a scene in their minds eye, and the rest is just a matter of tracing it out on paper...I wish I had such skill!...I'm more of the Edison school...I'll have a lot of sketches and ideas gathered, make some trial and error preliminaries, and come up with something...I can see with my mind's eye imaginative things, but cant quite get them to hold still long enough to trace them out...in this regard, I'm average, I imagine!

I never thought of it as such, but the mind's eye can be considered another sense, just like hearing, and taste, and touch, and sight, and such...and a study just came out that finds some people don't have a mind's eye...Tesla had an exceptional mind's eye...I consider my own average...there's  probably a range to this, like acuity in eyesight...


The hypothesized condition where a person lacks a mind's eye is called aphantasia. The term was first suggested in a 2015 study



Here's an article about the study, which I had found just recently in one of my morning news reviews!


Close your eyes and imagine walking along a sandy beach and then gazing over the horizon as the Sun rises. How clear is the image that springs to mind?
Most people can readily conjure images inside their head - known as their mind's eye.
But this year scientists have described a condition, aphantasia, in which some people are unable to visualise mental images.

Aphantasia: A life without mental images



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