Sunday, September 20, 2015

Odds and Ends

A  text only post, and about history, afield from fauna and flora, sort of...and grim, so dear readers, a caution to read on...

updates, corrections, and miscellaneous stuff!...

(oh!...with google, one can select highlight in blue a bit of text, and it will appear in the google search box on search, or use return...most things here I haven't linked, but one can find them using this method...)

I was about to do this post, and it popped into my head to see if Fellini's Satyricon, the movie, is on I watched it, for the first time since I watched it in a theater in New York in Times was a kind of an afternoon date with a friend's girlfriend, who was a stewardess...before going in the theater, we had no idea what it was about, and after wards, walking to the subway past the porn shops, it was like, 'yep, it was like that back then'...back then being ancient Rome, 100 AD about...and back then being 1969...Satyricon was a Roman novel, one of the first novels ever written to survive from those times...the author was Petronius...something J. said to me has stayed with me all this time...the conversation had turned to her travels, and how I envied them...'the big cities, like Hong Kong...they're all the same...' she told me...

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I haven't been able to find much about Ceres of the string of photos of Pluto and Ceres trickled off...and more, I haven't been able to find any good comment threads...I think everyone is curious about these photos from outer space!...but I finally found a talkabout at the Coast to Coast site last night...the current photos waiting to be shown to the public, are under an embargo by Nature magazine...Nature is going to do a story, and the story has to go through peer reviews first, so Nature has asked NASA to put a hold on talking about and showing pics until the story is ready!...NASA has it that because the space crafts are so far out there, that it's taking time to process the photos...

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My dog Maya's penchant for biting has a self similar condition in human beings...sometimes kids bite, and if after 30 months, a kid is still biting, it is recommended they get help...

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The Pythagorians had a name for the tiniest particle...a Monad...

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Messenger pigeons, doves, show up in three of the flood Greece's Deucalion, Sumer's Gilgamesh, and Israel's Noah...a current story is that aborigines in Australia have an oral tradition stretching back over 9,000 years, and that tales of the Ocean rising rapidly back then can still be heard from them...

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Deucalion's ark came to rest upon Mt. Parnassus, on the slopes of which is Delphi...

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On top of Noah's ark was a little cube shaped building...the holy of holies in the Jerusalem Temple was a cube...on Delos, the sanctuary of Apollo was a cube...there's an old story of the Delian Cube...the oracle of Delphi was consulted by those on Delos about a plague...the Delphi oracle told them to double the Cube of Apollo's sanctuary using just ruler and compass...this is a famous mathematical puzzle like squaring the circle...

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one cell divides, and makes just two more identical in size...sometimes in the Valley I would contemplate pine they are all the same length...and make like globes...I took to stylizing them by drawing a circle with many spokes...

The Bible stories, the parables, and such, are puzzling, and cryptic, because that's how we best studying puzzles...that, and we just like puzzles!

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The omphalos stones are sometimes thought to be from meteorites...sacred stones are common in old temples as focal points of worship...the Kaabba famously for it's Black Stone...and the Kaabba is a cube!

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Pillars and Trees of Life, which look pillar like, are an ancient motif...the Djad pillar of ancient Egypt one example...likely they represent the axis of the earth...the earth spinning...the circumambulations of worshipers at the Kaabbaa cube a representation too?

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The Dogon had it that thought alone could alter reality...

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I happened on a clip of a tour group around an Egyptian guide who was going on about Tesla and many things...this with the Pyramids in the background...he has it that there are specifically 360 senses!

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the tour groups now traveling around the ancient monuments carry with them the 'fringe' lore of New Agers...they all watch and listen to Coast to Coast it seems!

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chicken embryos get their nourishment from the egg yoke...the egg white is like a cushion protection, and dries up, withers away, as the baby chicken matures...(my sister caught this!)

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I wondered if atoms have a spin, an axis too...and indeed they do...much to study with an 'atom's spin axis' search!

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half of the refugees fleeing the wars in the middle east are children....

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We set out about cock-crow, the moon was shining as bright as midday, and came to where the tombstones are. My man stepped aside amongst them, but I sat down, singing, and commenced to count them up. When I looked around for my companion, he had stripped himself and piled his clothes by the side of the road. My heart was in my mouth, and I sat there while he pissed a ring around them and was suddenly turned into a wolf! Now don't think I'm joking, I wouldn't lie for any amount of money, but as I was saying, he commenced to howl after he was turned into a wolf, and ran away into the forest.




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