After Breakfast, friend pointed out that there is a lot of Snow on Half Dome....rolled over to Bobcat Meadow in Silver to looksee, parked and paddled out to the end of Flicker Grove by the Hummocks and the Recent Ponds, and sighted Mallards, then Yellow Rumps...forgot all about Half Dome until tourist from China, or somewhere, asked, 'reflections?'...I gathered they wanted to know if it was a good spot to take
reflection way of explanation, I pointed to Mallards...and they weren't interested, and so I took a reflection pic with the the waterproof, after explaining the 70-300 mm lens was too long, and showed the pic in the
lcd...'yes, yes, reflection'....and the
tourist was eager to get their camera, and I tried to explain the Path around the Meadow....there's reflections of
everything everywhere today...I walked back to the Road with them to make sure they saw the Path, and continued myself to the Village for mail....paddled about the Indian Village a bit...Little Birds about...happened to look down, and saw Spice Bush Sign...Village has Signs naming things, and telling about....pic posted to yesterday's post, so it has a pic now!....and then it came to me that the Mallards would be reflected along with Half Dome--together! I hurry rolled back, parked by Owl's Old Oak Snag, and paddled back to where I was by the Hummock Pond...and Mallards were still about! and clips...tried very hard for handheld clips of Mallards paddling about in Half Dome's Reflection...most clips off center, and too
shaky...will try to post up one to give idea...tomorrow I'll take the tripod with...and hope Mallards and Pond will still be there!...sunshine finally,
blueblue, warm...when I picked up from the second visit with the Mallards, as I was walking back to Silver, another Chinese tourist asked, 'reflections?'...and I showed some pics, and Mallard clip...and they went off to get their camera--a bookend!!...I looked over the Meadow getting into Silver, and saw three
photogs from China, or somewhere--a tour, with tripods, setting up by the Pond...Mallards flew off a bit, and landed aways of Deer, lots of Bear Tracks, and Coyote Track, along the Trail beyond Beaver Bend...myself heard Kinglets, Mountain Bluebirds and Chickadees...