Saturday, January 1, 2011

Nature Notes

Some of the old Nature Notes were up for auction on ebay a few nights ago...I bid on like five, and was very lucky to win three of them...see pic up...the Notes are all online of course, here: sometime is to track down Notes from other Parks, as many of the Parks had Notes too....very cool to have a few for my collection of Valley things!!...slept in until worktime...reports that it was snowing this morning, but SnowRain later melted the Snow...easier to walkabout, Snow is all soft and mushy now....was a bit daunted at the thought of the icy Paths of yesterday!

well, I google another Park's Notes, and following quote expresses my fondness for the Valley's!!

The documentary legacy of Yellowstone is huge: thousands of books; more thousands of scientific reports and papers; newspaper and magazine articles beyond counting... Between us, we have devoted more than half a century to the study of this overwhelming mass of stuff, and though we both have personal favorites, we agree that there is nothing else like Yellowstone Nature Notes. For its bottomless reservoir of intriguing natural history tidbits, its hundreds of short essays and reports on all kinds of engaging subjects, and its unmatched window onto the day-to-day doings of earlier generations of Yellowstone nature lovers, Yellowstone Nature Notes is unique, priceless, and a lot of fun. It is also a neglected chapter in Yellowstone's rich documentary history.


Jeannette said...

Fun! Happy New Year. The trail you blaze with your photos and posts are the new Yosemite Nature Notes.

yosemite faith said...

i have purchased a couple of old yosemite nature notes on ebay as well. they are so cool. happy new year.